Pali - Every few days - [B079]

From: John Kelly
Message: 3508
Date: 2003-09-24

Pali - Every few days - [B079]
Gair/Karunatillake - Chapter 5 � Readings
Ex. 2. (Part 3 of 3)

Yo hi koci manussesu - porohiccena jiivati;
eva.m, Vaase.t.tha, jaanaahi - �yaajako� so, na
Whoever among humans lives by the office of a family
Thus, Vasettha, you should know � he is a priest, not
a Brahmin.

Yo hi koci manussesu - gaama.m ra.t.tha~nca bhu~njati;

eva.m, Vaase.t.tha, jaanaahi - �raajaa� eso, na
Whoever among humans enjoys village and country;
Thus, Vasettha, you should know � he is a king, not a

Na caaha.m �� bruumi - yonija.m
�Bhovaadi� naama so hoti - sace hoti saki~ncano.
aki~ncana.m anaadaana.m - tamaha.m bruumi
And I don�t call someone �Brahmin�, according to the
mother�s womb from which he is born,
Nor he who is addressed �Brahmin, if he is full of
worldy attachment.
He who is not attached, not grasping � him I call

Sabbasa.myojana.m chetvaa - so ve na paritassati;
sa.mgaatiga.m, visa.myutta.m - ta.m aha.m bruumi
Having severed all fetters - truly he is not worried;
One who has gone beyond attachment, who is detached �
him I call �Brahmin�.

(Snp. 3.9. Vaase.t.thasutta.m
M.N. 2.5.8. Vaase.t.thasutta.m)


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