From: Ong Teng Kee
Message: 3236
Date: 2003-08-11
> Date: Sun, 10 Aug 2003 18:57:10 +0800__________________________________
> Subject: Fwd: Re: New Pali Texts
> >From: "Sujato"
> >Subject: Re: New Pali Texts
> >Date: Sat, 09 Aug 2003 17:28:01 +1000
> >
> >Hi Ven
> >
> >I spoke with Major Suratat a few weeks ago. It seems i misunderstood
> him when in Thailand to say that the new tripitaka was ready (ie
> printed) when in fact he meant ready (ie fully checked and collated
> but not printed). In fact the printed edition is not yet out. He
> still wasn't sure of exact dates, but was thinking of the Thai King's
> birthday as launch-date, ie soon after vassa. I'll keep you informed.
> The first edition is the royal edition of 1000 sets intended for
> premier institutions around the world. After that paperback editions
> will be made; digital versions are also intended. I too have had
> problems getting in touch with Major Suratat; it seems he's not all
> that diligent in replying to emails, etc. Anyway, even if he doesn't
> contact you, i will.
> >
> >I'm settling in now at Citta Bhavana Hermitage, and it looks like
> i'll be here permanently; hopefully we can make it into a good forest
> monastery for the Sydney region. I'm thinking of coming to Malaysia
> again, but have no dates yet; i'm cooking up some schemes with Hock
> Eng. My latest plan is to learn Chinese so i can do some more
> research in the early materials in the Chinese canon; i think this
> will be the most interesting area of research in Buddhist studies in
> the coming years.
> >
> >i don't have Bhante Aggacitta's email address, so cannot cc
> >
> >
> >mettaya
> >
> >Sujata
> >
> >
> >
> >> Dear Ven Sujato,
> >>
> >> Hope you're well, bhante.
> >>
> >> I'm writing to you about the new edition of the Pali scriptures.
> After writing to the major on the day you told Bhante about it
> (during GCB2002), we > got a reply saying that we would be kept
> informed. As we did not get any news long after that, we sent another
> mail to check. Till now, there's no > news from them.
> >>
> >> Bhante, I wonder if you have any knowledge as to how we can obtain
> a set of it. If any form of contribution is required, please let us
> know too.
> >>
> >> Thank you very much.
> >>
> >> gaaravena,
> >> kumaara
> >>
> >> p/s: Please cc your reply to Bhante Aggacitta too.