From: nina van gorkom Message: 3199 Date: 2003-08-05
Co. Mahaaraahulovaadasutta, 5 B
tala (n) : level ground, flat surface, sole.
kesa (m) hair.
upari: above, upper.
vesa (m): appearance
vilaasa (m): grace, beauty
dvatti.msa: thirtytwo
vicitta: variegated, adorned, ornamented
byaama (m): fathom
pabhaa: light, radiance
byaamappabhaa (f): aura or halo (of one fathom)
parikkhipati (p.p. parikkhitta): encircle, surround
pabbata (m): mountain
kambala (n): blanket, made of hair.
ratta: dyed, coloured, red, crimson, shiny, bleached (of blanket).
pa.msukuulo (m): ragrobe (n): powder, dust, sand
vippakirati ( strew all over, destroy
vijjullata (f): flash of lightning
kanaka (n): gold
majjhagato: going in the middle
agghika (n): string of garlands, festoon work
yanta (n): machine, mechanical device
yantaasutta: cable of machine
samaaka.d.dhati: pull along
pa.ticchaadeti (pa.ticchanna): cover, conceal (m): coral
lata (f): creeper
pa.tima.n.dita: adorned with
cetiya (n): pagoda
puujeti: to honour, offer with devotion
ciinapi.t.tha (n): red lead
yuupa (m): sacrificial post
laakha (f): lac
laakhaarasa (m): lac colouring
anulimpati (anulitta): besmear, anoint
valaahaka (m): raincloud,
aho: Oh ! (m): moment
ta² (m): that moment
abbhuggacchati: rise up, be diffused full
sajjeti (sajjita): prepare, decorate
sampatti (f): fortune, attainment
sirii sampatti : glorious splendour
Commentary 5 B:
tatraayasmaa raahulo bhagavato pi.t.thito pi.t.thito gacchantova paadatalato
yaava upari kesantaa tathaagata.m aalokesi.
There the venerable Rahula who walked behind the Exalted One looked at the
³Thus-gone² from the soles of his feet up to the tips of his hairs.
so bhagavato buddhavesavilaasa.m disvaa
And when he saw the graceful appearance of a Buddha in the Exalted One, he
``sobhati bhagavaa dvatti.msamahaapurisalakkha.navicittasariiro
³The Exalted One is beautiful, his body adorned with the thirtytwo
characteristics of a Great Man,
byaamappabhaaparikkhittataaya vippaki.n.nasuva.n.nacu.n.namajjhagato viya,
Since he is surrounded by his aura of one fathom, he is as it were going in
the middle of gold dust, scattered all around him,
vijjulataaparikkhitto kanakapabbato viya,
He is like a golden mountain encircled by a flash of lightning
He is like a golden festoon decorated with jewels that is pulled along by a
mechanical contrivance,
rattapa.msukuulaciivarapa.ticchannopi rattakambalaparikkhittakanakapabbato
Although he is clothed in a saffron rag-robe, he is like a golden mountain
covered by a shimmering woollen cloth,
pavaa.lalataapa.tima.n.dita.m suva.n.naagghika.m viya ,
He is like a golden festoonwork ornamented with coral creepers,
He is like a golden pagoda which is venerated by (the application of) powder
made from red lead,
laakhaarasaanulitto kanakayuupo viya,
He is like a golden sacrificial post covered with lac colouring,
rattavalaahakantarato ta"nkha.nabbhuggatapu.n.nacando viya,
He is like the full moon that emerges at that moment in between misty
aho samati.msapaaramitaanubhaavasajjitassa attabhaavassa siriisampattii''ti
O, what splendour of his body, adorned with the majesty of the thirty
perfections *.²
There the venerable Rahula who walked behind the Exalted One looked at the
³Thus-gone² from the soles of his feet up to the tips of his hairs.
And when he saw the graceful Buddha appearance in the Exalted One, he
³The Exalted One is beautiful, his body adorned with the thirtytwo
Since he is surrounded by his aura of one fathom, he is as it were going in
the middle of gold dust, scattered all around him,
He is like a golden mountain encircled by a flash of lightning
He is like a golden festoon decorated with jewels that is pulled along by a
mechanical contrivance.
Although he is clothed in a saffron rag-robe, he is like a golden mountain
covered by a shimmering woollen cloth,
He is like a golden festoonwork ornamented with coral creepers,
He is like a golden pagoda which is venerated by (the application of) powder
made from red lead,
He is like a golden sacrificial post covered with lac colouring,
He is like the full moon that emerges at that moment in between misty
O, what splendour of his body, adorned with the majesty of the thirty
perfections *.²
* The Buddha accumulated in his lives as a Bodhisatta ten perfections
(generosity, morality, etc.), which can be distinguished as: basic, medium
and ultimate, and thus they can be counted as thirty perfections.