From: nina van gorkom Message: 3140 Date: 2003-07-31
Meanings of dhamma, no 2..
A correction (to no. 1): kulaputto: young man of good family, thus: some
young men of good family learn thoroughly the dhamma...
As we have seen, pariyattidhammo includes the ninefold (nine limbs or
a²ngas) classification of the teachings (sutta, geyya, etc.) which is a
classification according to literary styles, and not according to given
texts or books (See Nyanaponika¹s dictionary under sasana).
In the ³Baahiranidaana² (Introductory chapter of the Commentary to the
Vinaya, by Buddhaghosa), it is explained that the teachings as a whole have
been laid down as, ³This is the Dhamma and this is the Vinaya, these are the
first, intermediate and final sayings of the Buddha, these are the Vinaya,
Sutta and Abhidhamma Pi.takas, these are the Nikaayas from Diigha to
Khuddaka, these are the nine A¹ngas commencing with Sutta and these are the
eighty-four thousand Units of the Dhamma,² was rehearsed together by the
assembly of self-controlled monks with Mahaakassapa as their leader verily
observing this distinction.²
Remark: thus, whenever the Dhamma and the Vinaya are referred to, the
Abhidhamma is included in ³Dhamma².
The following meaning of dhamma explained in the Dhammapada-Atthakata, is
dhamma as an entity without a living soul (nissatta, nijjiva):
<"Tasmi.m khopana samaye dhammaa honti, khandhaa hontii"ti (dha. sa. 121)
Then, at that time dhammas occur, aggregates occur.
aya.mnissattadhammo naama, nijjiivadhammotipi eso eva.
this is dhamma without living being (non-substantial), it is also truly
dhamma without life.
Tesu imasmi.m .thaane nissattanijjiivadhammo adhippeto.
As to these, dhamma without a living soul is meant in this case. >
So atthato tayo aruupino khandhaa vedanaakkhandho sa~n~naakkhandho
As to the meaning of this, there are the three mental aggregates of feeling,
remembrance and formations (all cetasikas apart from feeling and
N: Remark: the text quoted from the Dhammasangani (first Book of the
Abhidhamma) states: ³At the time of consciousness coming into existence,
there occur dhammas.² Thus, the aggregate of consciousness
(vi~n`naa.nakkhandha) which is also a mental aggregate, is mentioned first,
and then the other three mental aggregates denoted as dhammas are explained.
If we do not see the whole context we may not understand why three mental
aggregates are mentioned separately.
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