Dear Yong Peng,
op 06-07-2003 12:21 schreef Ong Yong Peng op ypong001@...:

> I have now put the latest paragraph of the sutta online:
N: Would you like me to translate the next part of the sutta on mind
development like water?
Whatever you decide is fine.
As to the Co: I finished the last par to the end, translated line by line as
you suggested, but I want to coordinate with you when to present it. Perhaps
when the relevant sutta sections are ready I could add co. to each section?
Meanwhile, I went back to the beginning of the Co I had not translated
before and now translating line by line. At first I found the similes long
and difficult, but now I like them very much. Pages with viya..viya.. I have
some sections ready and could present them little by little if you like. But
again, whatever you decide is fine.