From: nina van gorkom
Message: 2577
Date: 2003-05-07
> I thought that in order to get a better understanding of "citta.m nathink will shed some more
> pariyaadaaya .thassanti" it might be wise to study this or other
> similar phrases in the context of other suttas along with their
> commentaries.A good place to start might be at M I 91 or 239-240 which I
> light. It appears that if one goes by the passage at M I 91 theN: Thank you for your suggestions, I shall study these passages, I had not
> 'impressions' is the agent of 'pariyaadaaya' with 'citta.m' as the
> patient. Also in looking at 'tassa' in the M I 239f passage without
> any accompanying pres. part. there is the suggestion that the genitive
> absolute may not be a correct interpretation of 'te . . . bhaavayato'
> in our sentence.