Dear Nina,

Thanks for all the hard work you've put into this so far. I think it's
going to be rather difficult to come to a clear understanding of this
sentence any time soon. It just seems that the more we delve into it,
the more confusing and unclear it becomes, at least for me. Often it
becomes necessary to undertake a lot of research (in tens of hours) to
get just a slightly better understanding of a word or a phrase here
and there. When I came forward to offer some help in identifying
'bhaavayato' as a pres. participle, it wasn't my intention to get too
involved as I have been rather busy lately with other projects of my
own which I would like to get back to soon.

I thought that in order to get a better understanding of "citta.m na
pariyaadaaya .thassanti" it might be wise to study this or other
similar phrases in the context of other suttas along with their
commentaries. I did a search on the CSCD for the word 'pariyaadaaya'
which frequently goes with 'citta.m' and the results were that it
occurs in the Suttantapi.taka 189 times and in the Majjhimanikaaya 62
times. There could be more in the peyyala passages. A good place to
start might be at M I 91 or 239-240 which I think will shed some more
light. It appears that if one goes by the passage at M I 91 the
'impressions' is the agent of 'pariyaadaaya' with 'citta.m' as the
patient. Also in looking at 'tassa' in the M I 239f passage without
any accompanying pres. part. there is the suggestion that the genitive
absolute may not be a correct interpretation of 'te . . . bhaavayato'
in our sentence.

Best wishes,
