From: nina van gorkom
Message: 2531
Date: 2003-05-02
> I believe that 'bhaavayato' is a present participle derived from a
> causative stem with either the dative or genitive (6th case) singular
> ending (see Warder p. 169). Note that 'paapentassa' is a gloss
> for 'bhaavayato' at Ps III 140 (also note 'bhaaventassa'
> for 'bhaavayato' at Pa.tis-a II 468). I think it is more likely here
> to be in the genitive case "of (in reference to) the one developing"
> although instead of "of", "for" probably fits better.
> A while ago I saw that you and John K. were trying to figure
> out "sammadakkhaataani" (samma-d-akkhaataani) but not sure if it was
> ever solved satisfactorily. It is equivalent to "sammaa akkhaataani".
> It is due to sandhi that the 'd' is inserted and the long 'a'
> of 'sammaa' is shortened. The 'd' is technically called an augment
> (aagama) which is also seen in 'sammadeva' (samma-d-eva). Other
> letters are used in the same way for different combinations, eg.
> yatha-y-ida.m. Several sandhi rules on this can be found in the
> Saddaniiti (sandhikappo).