arahant, bhagavant, tathaagata, boddhisatta and buddha

From: Buddhayatana
Message: 2493
Date: 2003-04-27

René wrote:

(...) before Buddhism arahant was an
honorific title of high officials, like the Eng: His worship. At the
rise of Bdsm. it was applied to all ascetics, but then was adopted for
the one who attains the goal of religious aspiration (nibbaana)-- PED.

Now this is true of bhagavant too, of course. From my own past research, it
appeared it's true of tathaagata too. Only boddhisatta and buddha are
specific to the Pali scriptures. Is this correct?


Jacqueline "Gotamî Jîvarakkhî" Bittar
Dr Gabriel "Ananda Jîvasattha" Bittar,
PhD University of Geneva
phone +61 8 8553 7442 , fax +61 8 8553 7444
mob. ph. +61 4 2743 5148

Institut Suisse de Bioinformatique
Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics
email: bittar@...

À Bientôt Seayu Lodge,
email: bittar@...

email: buddhayatana@...

4/5 Warawee road / 34 Falie court
PO box 281, American River, Kangaroo Island
South Australia 5221

GMT +9h30 (allow for +1h when "summer time" in SA)

a'niccâ vata san'khârâ
( a'niccaa vata san'khaaraa )
"impermanent are structural processes"
"instables sont les flux structurels"
Siddhârtha (Siddhaartha) Gautama Buddha

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