I am sending this email message to
introduce myself. I am a young
buddhist who have recently become
interested in learning Pali, and I'm
working about Machine Translation
form Pali to English. So that I have
therefore joined this discussion group
as I believe that the group will, firstly
get me started in learing Pali, and
secondly give me opportunities to
improve my skills in this subject, As I
am new in learning Pali, I would like to
ask a question that is important for me.
I am translating some sentence. One of
these is the Tipitaka, (from
[Vinaya. Mahavaggo [2] 138] (PTS
Vin. 2 p. 138):
Tena = at that
kho = indeed
pana = then
samayena = time
an~atarassa = certain
bhikkhuno = bhikkhu
kosalesu = travelling
janapadesu = kosalas
saavatthii = savatthi
gacchantassa = travelling
antaraamagge = on the way
hatthii = elephants
pariyut.t.haasi = disturbed
Translate to English :
Now at that time, while a bhikkhu was
travelling to Savatthi in Kosalas
country, elephants disturbed on the
I'm not sure are correct,
Thank you for helping.
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