From: m. nease
Message: 2168
Date: 2003-03-21
----- Original Message -----
From: nina van gorkom <nilo@...>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2003 10:48 AM
Subject: Re: [Pali] Re: Pali Word by Word 2003/11 [005]
> Dear Yong Peng,
> op 18-03-2003 16:01 schreef Ong Yong Peng op ypong001@...:
> > . bhava (m.) the state of existence.
> I came across bhava and bhaava.
> bhava: existence, rebirth,
> bhaava: nature, condition, becoming.
> The word: sabhaava: with its own distinct nature. In sabhaava ruupa: some
> ruupa are concrete matter, have their own distinct nature. Some ruupas are
> asabhaava: such as certain characteristics of ruupa, which are not
> matter. We come to this in the Mahaarahulovaadasutta soon: the ruupa which
> is space, akaasa, and delimits the groups of ruupa of the body, this is
> concrete matter. I shall add a separate post with some explanations about
> derived ruupa, upada ruupa, when I have come to that in the Co. Space
> be scratched or ploughed, it cannot be touched. In view of this I thought,
> is matter or materiality not a better translation than material form? It
> wider and can include space as well. But space has no form and cannot be
> seen. Just a suggestion.
> I also looked at the word gata: tejo-gata. It can mean:gone, having gone
> a certain way, having come into a condition. connected with. I needed this
> for myself.
> Nina.
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