From: Ong Yong Peng
Message: 2102
Date: 2003-03-13
--- In, nina van gorkom <nilo@...> wrote:
> Y: yena ca pari.dayhati yena ca asitapiitakhaayitasaayita.m
> > where / and / is burned / where / and / ???
> >
> > pari.dayhati - to be burned;
> > asita-piita-khaayita-saayita.m
> > = asita - being eaten (asati p.p.)
> > = piita - being drunk (pivati p.p.)
> > = khaayita - adj. eaten up, consumed (PED khaadita)
> > = saayita - being tasted (sayati p.p.)
> > = ???the consumed (item) is being tasted, drunk and eaten
> N: PTS by whatever one is burnt up, and by whatever one has
munched, drunk, eaten and tasted is properly transformed (in
digestion). Wheel: and is consumed, and whereby what is eaten...gets
completely digested.
> First the eating then the digestion (or consuming) by the element
of fire. The pari-dayhati applies to the foregoing, thus, : whereby
one is burnt up. See passive again: pari.dayhati. Follows asita etc.
and this pertains to: sammaa pari.naama.m gacchati, it goes to
complete digestion, it is completely digested.
> Y: thoroughly / (to) digestion / goes
> > is digested thoroughly,
> >
> > sammaa - thoroughly;
> > pari.naama - digestion.