Pali Day by Day 03/09/2003 [A039]
From: Ong Yong Peng
Message: 2069
Date: 2003-03-09
Pali Primer Exercise 3
Translate into Pali
8. The brahmin cooks rice with his friend. / pacati / bhatta.m / mittena saha mittena saha bhatta.m pacati.
9. The king protects the island with wise men.
bhuupaalo / rakkhati / diipa.m / pa.n.ditehi saha
Bhuupaalo pa.n.ditehi saha diipa.m rakkhati.
10. Kings worship monks with their sons.
bhuupaalaa / vandanti / / puttehi saha
Bhuupaalaa puttehi saha vandanti.
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