From: Ong Yong Peng Message: 1645 Date: 2003-01-21
Dear Piya, Nina and friends,
thanks for the input. Nina, actually, I translate the sentences into
English with limited knowledge and practics. I hope that friends
would help by correcting my sentences or rendering them into a form
that better reflect the meaning of Buddha's words and provide
relevance to and continuity of the teachings of the traditions,
especially in the present sutta that discusses meditation and
contemplative techniques. Notes from commentary will be especially
The section is now as follows:
Atha kho - then
aayasmaa - venerable *(respectful appellation)
Raahulo - Rahula
saayanhasamaya.m - at evening time (PED sayanha)
Then, at evening time, the venerable Rahula,
pa.tisallaanaa - retirement for the purpose of meditation, solitude
vu.t.thito - risen, got up
yena - who
who got up from solitude
Bhagavaa - the Blessed One
tenupasa'nkami = tena + upasa'nkami
tena - who
upasa'nkami - go up to, approach (upasankamati)
[and] approached the Blessed One.
upasa'nkamitvaa - having approached
Bhagavanta.m - the Blessed One
abhivaadetvaa - having saluted/greeted (abhivaadeti)
Having approached and paid respect to the Buddha,
ekamanta.m - on one side
nisiidi - sat down
[Ven. Rahuala] sat down on one side.
Ekamanta.m - on one side
nisinno - sitting
kho - then
aayasmaa - venerable
Raahulo - Rahula
Bhagavanta.m - the Blessed One
etadavoca = eta.m + avoca = he said this
Then, sitting on one side, the venerable Rahula said this to the
Blessed One,
Katha.m - how
bhaavitaa - developed, cultured
nu kho - (question)
bhante - sir
aanaapaanassati - mindfulness of breathing
"Sir, how [is] mindfulness of breathing developed?
katha.m - how
bahuliikataa - practise frequently (PED bahulii)
mahapphalaa - great fruits
hoti - there is
mahaanisa.msaa"ti = mahaa aanisa.msaa iti = great benefits
[Comm: mahaapphalaa and mahaanisa.msaa are synonyms here.]
How is there great benefits, great fruits [when] practised
Yong Peng.
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