Pali Primer - Lesson 1 From: Ong Yong Peng
Message: 341
Date: 2001-08-13
Pali Primer - Lesson 1 From: Ong Yong Peng
Message: 341
Date: 2001-08-13
A Quick Glance
This lesson covers the following topics:
1. Nominative Case (Masc-a nouns)
Singular: + o
Plural: + aa
2. Present Tense, 3rd Person
Singular: + ati
Plural: + anti
Exercise 1:
Translate into English:
1. Bhuupaalo bhu~njati.
bhuupaalo = king (sing.)
bhu~njati = eats
Ans: The king eats.
2. Puttaa sayanti.
puttaa = sons (plur.)
sayanti = sleep
Ans: Sons sleep.
3. Vaa.nijaa sayanti.
vaa.nijaa = merchants (plur.)
sayanti = sleep
Ans: Merchants sleep.
4. Buddho passati.
Ans: The Buddha sees.
5. Kumaaro dhaavati.
Ans: The boy runs.
6. The uncle ploughs.
7. Brahmins speak.
8. Friends go.
9. Farmers cook.
10. The man cuts.
11. Men run.
12. The friend eats.
13. The Buddha speaks.
14. The man cooks.
15. The friends plough.
16. Buddha comes.
Translate into Paali:
1. Sons run.
Ans: Puttaa dhaavanti.
2. The uncle sees.
Ans: Maatulo passati.
3. The Buddha comes.
Ans: Buddho aagacchati.
4. Kumaaraa bhu~njanti.
5. Vaa.nijaa gacchanti.
6. Manusso/puriso/naro sayati.
7. Bhuupaalaa gacchanti.
8. chindati.
9. Mittaa bhaasanti.
10. Kassako kasati.
11. Vaa.nijo aagacchati.
12. Puttaa chindanti.
13. Maatulaa bhaasanti.
14. Kumaaro dhaavati.
15. Mitto bhaasati.
16. Buddho passati.
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