Hi, Derek and friends,

Reading Piya Tan's "Buddha's Smile" page
I found a following quote:


Once in the town of Veran~jaa, a Brahmin named Veran~ja went to the
Buddha and accused him of various improprieties (A 4:172 ff). [He was
called Veran~ja because he was born and lived in Vera~njaa. His real
name, according to Buddhaghosa, was Udaya.]

After scolding the Buddha for not showing respect to old Brahmins,
Vera~nja accused:

(c) That the Buddha affirmed the theory of inaction (akiriya.vaada):
Buddha: Yes, Brahmin, I proclaim inaction in respect of misconduct of
body, speech and mind; I proclaim inaction in respect to all evil and
bad things.


It seems to confirm your note that complete inaction is a different
pre-Buddhist teaching.
