--- In
Nostratica@yahoogroups.com, "H.M. Hubey" <hubeyh@...> wrote:
> The article "Gaulish" has this paragraph which I find interesting
> Can anyone explain what this means?
the problem is
is single receptor
the editor
this make bandwith production
>coding ? is writing software?
scrambling :) as the text.
>consciously ignore information
Some questions we ask do not extend betwen objects
when B is subset of A
we think that properties of A extend to B
the subset may not have a properties object
if is
word kjhlkjhlkj
we should find the I (information)
Then analyze I structure
i dont think they thinking of I structure
they dont know what is I and NEW
and what is SOMETHING
and think in ERROR logic (loz ku)
the I structure is a N dimentional web
in the Xject universe.
> =============================
Let call the Author A
But what about Caelum and Cieux? Without knowledge of the
form ciel,
the neutral observer would hardly define Caelum and Cieux to be
> same state.
The coding
question boils down to:
Which cutoff is appropriate
for deciding
to consider two items as
How to find where is an older root in words
How to extract the oryginal essential part
do A maen ?
How to compare word apriori (before knowing what words mean)?
__the neutral obserwer
__to ensure a
to get true
level playing field
__all languages
____the phylogenetic analysis,
_____ cutoff
_____ dictated by the
_____ least-known language
end for
___otherwise the
_____branch lengths
______in the
________phylogenetic output
_________would not
__________reflect language evolution,
_________but only
__________the researchers
extent of knowledge on the languages involved.
This requirement, i.e.,
to consciously ignore
etymological information
when coding ??
a mix of well-known and
lesser-known languages, is
probably the most difficult and subjective step in the entire
The necessary decisions
may be checked using a negative control.
In this example, a negative
control might be the text in
a language such as Basque which is
effectively unrelated to any of the
languages under
The negative control would be aligned and coded blindly
along with the other
languages, and the number of identical codings between unrelated
language pairs would give an
> --
> Mark Hubey
> hubeyh@...
> http://www.csam.montclair.edu/~hubey