Is sourced from language L1 , L2,... and in each given by
respectively a1.., b1...
L0 z1
L1 a1 a2
L2 b1 b2 b3
L3 c1 c2 c3 c4
And also logic meaning of ordered sets L1, L2, L3 is probably

All the words contain the same logic.
Do you agree that
L3 is older form?

And if
a1= c1 c2 and a2=c3 c4
and z1 = a1 a2
And "There are exist time "*1
Then L3 >L1 >L0

--*1 Time is an abstraction of changes.

May software showing me 0.68 correlations on threshold 0.83
1 I wonder what is the probability to prove that ixlop language all
PIE languages evolved. ?
2 What you consider a prove?
3 is it a kind of discovery?

There is much more but I just chose some more interesting words.
The program I pro gram is rather slow so I can't compare all
But I gona im prove it. But it surprise me to find ixlop language of
Szino possible origin to be related to Basque and Greek L. Maybe
surrounded by Himalayan glaciers is kind of OLD or maybe it is a NEW
created by child's surviving something or captured by something. Or
everything is GIGA especially ?


ASK: ASKI WL. Do you have asci word list?

ho ma la y = direction vector (this our may ((land flat)) is not)
this is only lay to show a method. Himalayan is not a W in wordlist
from ixlop.

The other W are, results:

at mos tera

vilo so vie

ono ma to poey

me rzi tu

if more words the same logical meaning

maches on Basque language > 50%

Bizkai(ko): (of/from)
iz kai

Gazte: young
gaz de

Gizon: man
ki zon

Guraso: parents.
guru sa

Hizkuntza: language
iz kund za

Itsaso: sea
iz saso

Neska: girl (mutila: boy)

Seme: son
se me

Zabaldu: to open
za baldu to close

the list ixlop and soft ver 1.14.and the results are slightly better!