Hello, I just joined Nostratica yesterday.

I'm 13 years old, finding new interests all the time (for instance, I
used to hate Germanic and Celtic languages, but in the last sixth
months, they have grown to be my favorites with the exception of
romance languages)

I am a conlanger and a language lover, and I here that there are over
600 words reconstructed in Nostratic. (Could some one give me a word
list or something?)

I am in charge of http://newsbeat.cjb.net/ (even though I have
abandoned it due to lack of helpers),
http://www.geocities.com/myconlangs/ and /conworlds/ (neither of
those two are up and running, yet, because they are under

I have created the languages of Ïnlici, Englisc Eld, Etymological
English, ØHT INGESC (3 of which started as projects of English,
Englisc Eld is the only one that isn't a project), Loriale, Udugrash
(a very stressful language and thus abandoned), Lorialie (also very
stressful and abandoned), Leamhusann (an Irish Gaelic project),
Latinas Novas (a Latin derived conlang), and I recently invented a
new world that will require about 40 new conlangs.