--- In Nostratica@yahoogroups.com, "Richard Wordingham" >
> Shouldn't you let the group die before you disband it? Better
still, why
> not leave it until Yahoo kill it?
> Gerry, if you have lost interest in the group, let me know, and I'll
> shoulder the administrative burden. New members may have to wait
> before joining, but that's tough.
> Richard.

I read this group, Cybalist, and a few others. I enjoy serious
information when presented with authority. I am not too interested
in discussing the meaning of language acquisition or the philosophy
behind resurrecting dead languages, assuming we now know what a dead
language is.

Alas I am an amateur and post commensurate with my status. That
doesn't, however, diminish my enjoyment of the group. I am familiar
with Latin and Greek to some extent, but my real interest is Uralic
and the early connections with PIE.

So Richard if you have aspirations about hosting a group that aspires
to an academic approach to Nostratic, there is nothing stopping you
from starting a new group. I think the serious people will end up
where the serious action is. I would certainly join immediately.

Peter P