H.M. Hubey wrote:
IV. Sumerian r/ vs Turkic z/

Here it is again; Bolgaric l-r vs Common Turkic sh-z. It shows up as early as Sumerian.
I showed other examples before. And yet, even today, actually circa 2000 there are
still books being published by famous Turkologists in which they claim
1. Turkic was sh-z  AND
2. Turkic was sh-z east of the Altays AND
3. Bolgaric e.g. Chuvash l-r is a change that occurred "recently" after the sh-z Turks (Mongoloids
of course!) came west.

1. bur to spread abroad, to disperse of (a thing) (Grd. 336; MSL, III,
140, 170), undo (especially a specially a spell), to make a hole
(MSL, III, 67), buru harvest (noun) (Grd. 336)
boz- bozmak, y?kmak (DLT, III, 8), buz- bozmak, y?kmak, harab etmet,
viraneye çevirmek, darmadag(?n etmet (KBI., 118)
2. gur5 zerbrechen, zerschneiden, abtrennen (D. 55)
üz- (ip ve benzeri s,eyleri) kesmek (DLT, I, 165, 522), kesmek
(KBI., 508), üztürmek üzdürmek, kopartmak (DLT, I, 220)
3. ?ar dig, dig quickly (Prince, 176)
kaz- kazmak (DLT, III, 10, 59) (KBI., 231)

Despite PA "to dig" being reconstructed as *karu/*karo, and despite PU also being
constructed similary, there are still "well-known" Turkologists who still try to pass of the
lark, that PT was sh-z. That would imply that *kar came from *kaz and that words like
karim /garim (canal e.g. digged thing) should have come from *kazim despite total
lack of evidence and being totally against laws of linguistics. So much for search for
truth. Zakiev got fired a few years ago from University of Kazan for writing his book (that is
what I was told).

4. mir anger (Emesal) (MSL, IV, 35)
k?z- to be angry, cross, ill tempered; to be angry, vexed with, 2. To
get hot&(Rd. 661 k?zga- (kul) k?z?p uzaklas,t?rmak, kak?mak (DLT, III,

Here we see both m=k, and r=z.

5. sar schreiben (MSL, III, 113), to write (Grd. 403), s,ar id.
yaz- s,as,mak, yan?lmak, çözmek; yazmak (DLT, I, 92; II, 20, III, 59, 111)
6. sur to squeeze, to press out (oil, juice) (Grd. 408), s,ur pressen
(öl) (MSL, III, 97)
süz- süzmek (DLT, I, 450; II, 9); (KBI., 412)
7. s,ur wild, decapacitated (animal) (Falkenstein, 29)
yoz vahs,i; yavan, bayag(?; zararh& YTSz. 251), yoza-
(k?sraktanbas,ka) hayvan k?s?r kalmak (DLT, III, 88)
8. ur liver, spirit, mood (Grd. 429)
öz can, rush, gönül (DLT, I, 45), yürek ve kar?n içindeki nesne (DLT,
I, 46)
There also seems to be a doublet "bawur" (liver). Halloron has "ba" (liver) for Sumerian.

9. ubur Weibliche Brust (MSL, III, 145; D. 102), teats (Grd. 426;
Falkenstein, 26)
köküz > kögüz gög(üs (EUSz. 114; KBI., 274; DLT, I, 366) krs,. öbür id.
(Lessing 630)

Mark Hubey

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Mark Hubey