----- Original Message -----
From: "Geraldine Reinhardt" <waluk@...>
To: <nostratic@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Monday, December 02, 2002 9:49 PM
Subject: Re: [nostratic] A new Nostratic list?

> Will do, Piotr.
> But first, I need a new name for the group.
> Should it be Nostratic2? Or NewNostratic? Or other?
> Your suggestion would be most helpful.

NewNostratic or New_Nostratic (NN for short :)) sounds OK to me.

> Also, should I ask the old members to sign up or should I simply move them over to the new group? Never know which way to proceed on that one.

Moving people over without their consent, even if it were possible (is it?), would be a breach of netiquette, IMO. We have to hope that most members will move to the spam-free avatar of Nostratic when you announce its existence and say "Let's go to another bar!" Just repeat the invitation after a few days to make sure that everybody reads it. If the new list does not come to life within a couple of weeks, well, "the best-laid schemes of mice an' men gang aft a-gley", and we'll have to learn to live with our everyday dose of computer commercials in Bahasa Indonesia.

