
If one tries to cathegoize the variants of the I-E personal endings
functionally and structually, one gets a remarcable complex, and
partly irregualar picture. I show here 1. an 3. p sg active and

Set I

Primary (Tenses
set II (Perfect endings/Hettite Hi-conjugation)

(-hi/ha Hettite hi-conj.)
(-i/Hettite hi-conj?)
-a/(hat Hettite hi-conj)
-e/(at Hettite hi-conj)

Furthermore, set II are not divided in primary/secondary or active
medium, except in the Hettite Hi-conjugation. Perhaps the Hettite Hi-
conjugation not at all correponds to set II at all.

It seems to me that the divition between set I and II reflects some
old grammatical function and structure from a much earlier time.
Does anyone have a notion about what this structure/function could
be. Is this divition to be found in other branches of the nostratic