
This is a HUGE help. I can see that my database for the spread of
Mesolithic cultures in this part of the world is going to require a
HUGE updating.

Interesting thought on the Zarzian connection, and the fact that the
spread of these cultures seems to spread along the Northern Iranian
area (Caspian Gates --> Khorasan --> Tadjikistan --> Ferghana) before
moving north into the Altai. It confirms for me the strenth and
imapssibility of the Caspian Aral desert. Do these cultures suggest
then a subsequent spread north onto the central asian steppe from the
East (as per Glen's Eurasiatic hypothesis) or a spread from the Pontic
Steppe across the Urals into Central Asia (as I suggested seemed to be
the case earlier)?

Thanks for hunting this out for us.

Warm regards


--- In nostratic@..., "Alexander Stolbov" <alex@...> wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "jdcroft" <jdcroft@...>
> To: <nostratic@...>
> Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 2:07 PM
> Subject: [nostratic] Re: Problems with Bomhard
> > Culturally, it appears the spread in the deserts of Transoxania
> > as an effective culture barrier to the spread of mesolithic
> > technologies northward from Belt Cave, Jeitun and Hissar to
> > Asiatic Keltiminar until the climatic recovery after 5,800 BCE.
> >
> > But then I am a little rusty on cultures in this region. Perhaps
> > Alexander can help with pre-Keltiminar cultures in Central Asia.
> I have found the following data on Mesolithic - Early Neolithic
> microliths in Central Asia and East Ural .
> All the data BC and seem to be uncalibrated.
> The Belt Cave (SE Caspian region) 9500+-200 ; 11660 +-640
> Dam-Dam Cheshme (the Krasnovodsk region) a number of layers from
about 10000
> (D.D.Ch. 6-7) to about 7000-8000 (D.D.Ch. 2-3) - NB - In the layer 4
> remains of domesticated sheep and goats, already morphologically
> distinguished from the wild forms, found.
> Jebel (close to Dam-Dam-Ch.) a number of layers from about 8000-9000
(J. 6)
> to 4080+-240 (J. 3) - NB - In the layer 4 the remains of
> animals are found
> Mesolithic of Ustyurt (between the Caspian and Aral seas) estimated
> mill.
> Jeitun since about 6000 [I think it's a secondary wave from Jarmo]
> Tutkaul (Tajikistan) from about 10000 (T. 3) to 6070+-170 and
5150+-140 (T.
> 2) - NB - not only sickle implements but also hoes are found
> In Sai-Sayed of the same culture (no date) remains of domesticated
sheep or
> goat are found
> The Machay Cave (West Tajikistan) in the layers of 5600+-110 remains
> domesticated cattle are found
> Oshkhona (East Tajikistan) the 2nd layer 7580+-130 ; the 3rd layer
> and 5145+-120
> Tash-Kumyr (Fergana) since 9th mill.
> Obishir (not far from Fergana) since 7th mill. - NB - remains of
> domesticated animals are found
> Microliths in this region (BTW it's a halfway from Mesopotamia to
> China) are of the Zarzian type.
> Thelmann (N Kazakhstan) 8600+-200 - NB - at Neolithic levels remains
> domesticated animals are found
> The Yangelka culture at SouthEast Ural with the microliths of the
> SouthCaspian type:
> Mys Bezymyanny about 10000
> Yangelka about 8000
> Cholodny Klyuch 7675+-50 ; 7645+-50
> Yakhtu-Kul' 6480+-130 ; 6345+-110
> Alexander