On Mon, 26 Nov 2001 06:02:14, "Glen Gordon" <glengordon01@...>

>>So how do you explain *wlkWós (> *wl'kWos) and *tudáti?
>I told you so many times. *wlkWos is due to the regularization
>of accent on thematic stems in Late IE affecting both nouns
>AND verbs.

Regularization means "to make regular". The accent and root-Ablaut of
thematic stems (verbal and nominal) is anything but regular, since all
variants occur.

>>This is ridiculous: why should *-e analogically spread as *-o-?
>For the umpteenth time: The MIE 3ps *-ë spread across the entire
>present conjugation and the original 1pp/2pp in Early Late IE was
>*bheremes/*bheretes. The *e was later rounded in some positions.


>>The o-stems are substantially different from all other stems in
>>the following respects:
>>1) Gsg. in *-osio
>>2) Ab.sg. in *-o:d (other declensions do not have a separate Abl.)
>>3) Plural built on *-oi- (Npl. *-oi or *-o:s < *-o-es; Lpl. *-oi-su,
>>Ipl. *-o:i-(h1)s, DAb.pl. maybe *-oi-os).
>>4) Bare stem (Voc sg.) ends in *-e, not *-o.
>>5) Immobile stress (either on the root or on the thematic vowel).
>1) Since they derive from genitives, the genitive of a genitive
> must be substantially different, especially when the accent
> is regularized on the initial. Duh! Obviously, the genitive
> would be identical with the nominative if it weren't for
> the affixed demonstrative *-yo.

What about pronominal G. *tosio, etc.?

>Another way of avoiding
> confusion is to make the genitive *-o:s (*-o- + *-os).

Which didn't happen.

>2) The ablative is thematic *-o- + *-ot > *-o:t (Not hard to
> figure out)

Point was that only the o-stems have a separate ablative.

>3) The plural is based on the plural seen in the (thematic)
> demonstratives and pronouns


>4) The vocative is built on the demonstrative *e meaning "here,
> there" (the same used for the past tense: "there" => "then")


>>What about the type *bhorós (as formally and semantically distinct
>>from the type *bhóros)?
>Adjectives were not affected by thematic accent regularization.
>Only the noun and verb classes were affected. Adjectives and
>adverbs came to be associated with accent on the final syllable.

*bhóros is an action noun ("what is carried, burden"), *bhorós an
agent noun ("he who carries, carrier").

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal