On Mon, 26 Nov 2001 06:20:24, "Glen Gordon" <
>>In Uralic (and Eskimo-Aleut), we find, as is plain to see from
>>the paradigms I posted, two sets of first person markers *-m
>>and *-ka, two sets of second person markers *-t and *-n and two
>>sets of third person markers *-0 and *-sa.
>First off, there is no such **-ka in Boreal. You are totally
>misunderstanding Inuktitut /-Na/ where the final vowel is NOT
>original. This is proven by Aleut (note /ti-N/ "I (am here)").
>We must reconstruct EskimoAleut *-N for the first person, which
>clearly has developed out of final *-m. Medial *-m- survives
>unchanged in EA.
I'm following Seefloth here, who reconstructs *-Na < *-m + -ka, on the
basis of the 1sg pl. object form -n-ka < *-t-m-ka (pl.obj - 1 subj
>Second, the element *-sa is a demonstrative affixed to the
>original Steppe ending. There is indeed justification in
>reconstructing the Boreal 3ps subjective as *-(i)sa but it
>derives from earlier *-i.
The *-i- is the plural object marker.
>Lastly, the Boreal reflex of Steppe *-ux is *-u and _is_ attested
>in Uralic.
>The complete Boreal endings are to be properly reconstructed as
> subj. obj.
> 1ps *-u *-m
> 2ps *-n *-t
> 3ps NULL *-sa
> 1pp *-wi *-mi
> 2pp *-ni *-ti
> 3pp NULL *-isa
>Since Samoyed shows *-n in the subjective and *-t in the 2ps
>objective as you say, you've only proven my point about the 2nd
>person. We also bluntly see Nenets /-v/ in the first person
That's Tundra-Nenets -w, -m'i, Forest-Nenets -m, -j, from
Proto-Samoyed *-mV (see Sinor et al. "The Uralic Languages": Tibor
Mikola "Geschichte der Samojedischen Sprachen", p. 241).
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal