Illuga 5C + 6A -- Rob's Translation

From: rob13567
Message: 14459
Date: 2019-09-23

Signý mátti ekki mæla fyrir harmi ok gráti. 

Signy could not speak because of sorrow and tears.

Hildr mælti þá: "Vilda ek, Grímhildr, at ek launaði þér þín álög, ok þat mæli ek um, at öðrum fæti standir þú á skemmu þessari, en öðrum heima á konungshöll. 

Hildr then said: "I would like, Grimhildr, that I reward you your tribulation, that I speak about that, that other feet you stand at this lady's bower, but others at home at the king's hall.

Þrælar skulu þar kynda bál mitt í milli fóta þér. 

Thralls shall light a fire there between your feet.

Þat bál skal standa bæði nætr ok daga, ok öll skaltu neðan af eldi brenna, en ofan frjósa, at aldri fáir þú þína ró. 

That fire shall remain night and day, and all shall burn from below, but freeze from above, that you never get your rest.

En ef vit mæðgur komumst ór þessum álögum, þá skaltu deyja ok detta ofan í bálit." 

And/but if mother's and daughter's reasoning were to get through these spells, then you shall die and drop down in the fire."

Grímhildr tók þá til máls: "Mjök heimskligt er okkart tal, ok vil ek, at þetta haldist hvárki."

Grimhildr then began to speak: "Your talk is very foolish, and I want that neither continue this."

Hildr sagði, at þat yrði at standa. 

Hildr said that it must remain.

Hurfu þær mæðgur þá burt í helli þenna, ok er ek sú in sama Signý, ok er hér Hildr, dóttir min, ok vil ek nú gifta þér hana ok launa þér svá, at þú hefir mér ór álögum komit." 

Mother and daughter turned way into this cave, and I am that same Signy, and here is Hildr, my daughter, and I now want you to marry her and your reward so, that you have more come out of spells.

Ok at endaðri þessari sögu koma í hellinn sjau skessur með bitrligum skálmum ok hlaupa at Gríði ok höggva til hennar bæði hart ok tíðum. 

And at the end of these sagas seven witches arrived in the cave with sharp short swords and leap at Gridr and  strike at her both hard and long.

Hildr var nú ákafliga hrædd. 

Hildr was now very afraid.

Illugi veitir Gríði dugnað ok höggr til þeira bæði ótt ok tíðum, ok eigi léttir hann fyrr en þau hafa drepit þær allar, ok brennir þær allar á báli. 

Illugi gives help to Gridr and strikes at them both furiously and long, and does not stop before they have killed them all, and burns then all in the fire.      (Z. veita e-m dugnað, to give help to one)

Gríðr mælti þá: "Nú hefir þú, Illugi, frelst okkr bæði af þessum skessum, ok hefi ek við þær átt ellifu vetr." 

Gridr then said: "Now you have, Illugi, freed us both from these spells, and I have ended 11 years with them."

Illugi segir þat nógu lengi verit hafa.

Illugi says has been long enough.

6. Sigurðr fekk Signýjar

Sigurdr won Signjar

Eptir þetta fylgir Gríðr þeim til báts Illuga, ok gaf hún þeim gull ok marga dýra gripi, ok hafði hann nú með sér eldinn, ok skildist hún þar við þau. 

After this Gridr follows them to Illugi's boat, and she gave them gold and many expensive treasures, and he now had with him the fire, and she parted there from them.

Illugi rær aptr til sinna manna. 

Illugi rowed back to his men.

Þeir urðu við þat glaðir ok létu sér hitna. 

They became glad with that and they caused themselves to warm up.

Mánuð lá konungsson þar, ok gaf honum aldri byr. 

The prince lay at anchor there a month, and he never got a fair wind.

Björn kenndi þat Hildi ok kvað Illuga hana hafa sótta í hella, ok segir Björn, at hún sé in mesta tröllkona. 

Bjorn recognized that (from) Hildi, and told Illugi to have illness in (the) cave and tells Bjorn that she would be the greatest ogress.

Sigurðr bað Björn þegja, ok ekki vildi hann því trúa, er Björn sagði. 

Sigurdr asked Bjorn to be silent, and he didn't want to believe that, what Bjorn said.

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