Hrafns 17D -- Rob's Translation

From: rob13567
Message: 14377
Date: 2019-04-08

Þá leggja þeir Eyvindr at landi ok ganga í flokk þeira bræðra sinna ok fara með þeim í virkit til Hrafns. 

Then Evindr & company landed ashore and they go in their company to his brother and go with them to the stronghold to Hrafn. 

Þá hafði hann þrjú hundruð manna í virkinu. 

Then he hadd 300 men in the stronghold.

Þá fóru nökkurir menn ór flokki Þorvalds á þann bæ, er á Tjaldanesi heitir. 

Then some men went out of Thorvaldr's body of men to that village which is called "at Tjaldaness."  (At Tent-ness)

Þá mæltu sumir menn við Hrafn, at þeir skyldu ganga at Þorvaldi ok drepa hann, kváðu eigi mundu Hrafn komast í betra færi. 

Then some men spoke to Hrafn, that they should go to Thorvaldr and slay him, they said Hrafn would not get through in a better opportunity.

En Hrafn vildi eigi þat, því at hann kveðst vilja virða til inn heilaga Jakobum postula ok berjast eigi við Þorvald, ok hann kveðst aldri mundu um líf hans sitja. 

But Hrafn didn't want that because he said for himself he wants to respect the honor of the sanctity of St. James (Z. virða 2 glosses this) and didn't fight with Thorvaldr, and he said for himself (that) he would never seek his life.    (Z. sitja 8: s. um líf e-s, to seek one’s life)

Sjá ræða Hrafns var um kveldit fyrir Jakobsmessu. 

This speech of Hrafn was during the evening before the mass of Saint James.  

Þá kallaði Þorvaldr á Steinólf prest Ljótsson, at hann skyldi koma á hans fund, ok Steinólfr fór ór virkinu ok á fund Þorvalds ok töluðu lengi hljótt. 

Then Thorvaldr called to priest Steinolf Ljotson, that he should come to meet him, and Steinolfr went out of the stronghold to Thorvaldr's meeting and they talked long in a low voice.

Síðan fór Steinólfr aftr í virkit ok leitaði þaðan af um sættir milli þeira Hrafns ok Þorvalds. 

Then Steinolfr went back to the stronghold and there inquired into (assuming "af" should be "at") peace between Hrafn and Thorvaldr.

Um morgininn eftir kom Áli Oddsson inn auðgi á Eyri með nökkura menn ok leitaði um sættir með Steinólfi, ok þá sættust þeir Þorvaldr ok Hrafn. 

During the next morning, Ali Addson the wealthy at Eyri arrived with several men and inquired into peace with Steinolfr, and then Thorvaldr and Hrafn made peace.

Sú var sætt þeira, at gera skyldi um öll þeira málaferli Þórðr Sturluson ok Þorvarðr Gizurarson. 

That was their settlement: that Thorvaldr Sturluson and Thorvardr Gizurason should judge all their litigation.      (Z. gøra 10: to judge or arbitrate in a case)

Ok þá er þeir höfðu handsalat þessa sætt, þá þakkaði Þorvaldr öllum mönnum, er um sættir höfðu leitazt: "Em ek þessu feginn orðinn, er vér erum sáttir, því at mér sýnist svá, frændi, sem vit sém eigi uppnæmir fyrir einum höfðingja, ef vit erum at einu ráði báðir." 

And when they had confirmed this agreement by shaking hands, then Thorvaldr thanked all the men who had inquired into peace: "I am glad for this report, which we are reconciled, because it seemed to me so, kinsman, as we are not some helpless leaders, if we are both at one resolved action."     (Z. uppnæmr 2: vera uppnæmr fyrir e-m, to be helpless, at one’s mercy)

Þá bauð Hrafn Þorvaldi ok öllu föruneyti hans til matborðs. 

Then Hrafn invited Thorvaldr and all his fellow travellers to a table at mealtime.  

Þá hafði Þorvaldr ok flokkr hans dögurð á Eyri. 

Then Thorvaldr and his body of men had a hearty meal at Eyr.

Hrafn lét skera húð til skúa förunautum Þorvalds, því at þeir váru mjök skólausir, er langa leið höfðu farit þangat. 

Hrafn had some hide cut for shoes for Thorvaldr's company, because they were very much shoeless, 

Hrafn fekk Þorvaldi ok förunautum hans fararskjóta norðr yfir heiði til Dýrafjarðar. 

Hrafn got Thorvaldr and his crew a means of conveyance north over the heath to Dyrafirth.

Þorvaldr mælti marga vega fagrt til Hrafns, er þeir skildu, ok hvarf til hans. 

Thorvaldr spoke fine a long time to Hrafn, when they parted, and went to him and took his leave.    (Z. hverfa 3: h. til e-s, to turn (go) to one, or to a place (hlæjandi Guðrún hvarf til skemmu); esp. to go to one and take leave)

Þá váru málaefni þeira kyrr þaðan frá um sumarit ok svá um vetrinn eftir. 

Then their judgements were at rest from that time during the summer and so during the next winter.

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