From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 14368
Date: 2019-03-26
> 16. Þorvaldr varð sekr um hvaltöku.Þorvald was sentenced to full outlawry for stealing blubber.
> 16. Thorvaldr was sentenced to pay concerning the
> whale-taking
> 16 Þorvaldr became condemned-to-outlawry (sekr, Z2)
> concerning a whale-taking.
> Eftir um vetrinn kom hvalr norðr á Strandir á land Hrafns,Later during the winter a whale came north to Strandir
> en sá maðr, er fann hvalinn, fór ok sagði Þorvaldi
> hvalkvámuna.
> Later, during the summer, a whale landed north on Strandir
> on Hrafn's land, and the man who discovered the whale went
> and told Thorvald about the strandings of whales.
> After during the-winter a whale came north to Strandir
> (’Strands’) onto [the] land of Hrafn, but (and) that
> person (man) who found the-whale, journeyed to Þorvaldr
> and said (related) the-whale-stranding (lit: coming, fem
> acc. sg).
> Þá gerði Þorvaldr þat ráð, at sá, er fundit hafði hvalinn,Then Þorvald made the plan that he who had found the whale
> skyldi segja, at hvalrinn hefði komit á almenninga ok
> hefði hann þar fest lögfesti hvalinn.
> Then Thorvaldr made that plan to see where the whale had
> been found, he should say that the whale had landed on
> common-land, and he had there stipulated a lawful title to
> the whale.
> Then Þorvaldr made that plan, that that-one (ie, he, dem
> pron) who had found the-whale, should say, that the-whale
> had come onto public-land and he had there secured (festa,
> Z1) the-whale with a legal-mooring (lögfestr, CV, fem,
> jo-stem)
> En þat gegndi engu.But that meant nothing.
> But that suited no one.
> But (And) that amounted to (gegna, Z4) nothing. (ie
> nothing came of that plan.)
> Þá fór Þorvaldr til með sína menn ok lét skera hvalinn okThen Þorvald arrived with his men and had the whale cut up
> flutti heim til sín, en sumum hvalnum skipti hann með
> mönnum sínum.
> Then Thorvaldr went there with his men and had the whale
> carved and carried home for himself, and some of the whale
> he shared with his men.
> Then Þorvaldr journeyed to [it] with his people (men), and
> caused to flense the-whale and conveyed [it] home to his
> [place], but (and) he shared some whale with his people
> (men).
> Nú er Hrafn spurði þetta, þá sendi hann menn suðr um landNow when Hrafn learned of this, he sent men south across
> til fundar við Hall, lögsögumann, mág sinn, ok Þorvald,
> bróður hans, ok hafði ráð við þá, hversu hann skyldi þetta
> mál leiðrétta við Þorvald.
> Now when Hrafn learned this, then he sent men south across
> land to a meeting with Hall, his inlaw a lawyer, and his
> brother Thorvaldr, and he had a plan with them, how he
> should correct this case with Thorvaldr.
> Now when Hrafn got-wind of this, then he sent people (men)
> south across land to a meeting with (ie to see) Hallr,
> [the] law-speaker, his brother-in-law (ie husband of
> Hrafn’s sister Herdís), and Þorvaldr, his (ie Hallr’s)
> brother, and had (ie took) counsel (eiga ráð við e-n, Z1)
> with them, how he should rectify this matter with
> Þorvaldr.
> En þeim sýndist þat ráð, at Þorvaldr væri sóttr ok þeirAnd it seemed to them advisable that Þorvald be prosecuted,
> menn, er tekit höfðu hvalinn, ok Hrafn byggi til mál á
> hendr þeim til Dýrafjarðarþings ok sækti þá þar at lögum.
> But to them it seemed that plan, that Thorvaldr and the
> men who had taken the whale would be prosecuted, and Hrafn
> prepared a case to the hands of the Dyrafjadr-assembly,
> and sought them there at the laws.
> But (And) that counsel (advice) seemed to them, that
> Þorvaldr should-be prosecuted (pp. of soekja, Z8), and
> those people (men), who had taken the-whale, and Hrafn
> should-prepare a case against (á hendr, Z) those for (ie
> to be prosecuted at) [the] assembly of Dýrafjörðr, and
> prosecute (soekja, Z8) them there according to law.
> Sendimenn Hrafns kómu aftr til fundar við hann með þeimHrafn’s messengers came back to speak with him with the
> ráðum, sem þeir höfðu til lagt.
> Hrafn's messengers came back to a meeting with him with
> their plans, as they had contributed.
> (The] messengers of Hrafn came back to a meeting with (ie
> to see) him with that counsel (advice), which they (ie
> Hallr and Þorvaldr) had put forward (proposed, suggested).
> Um sumarit eftir bjó Hrafn mál til um hvaltökuna á hendrThe next summer Hrafn prepared a case for the stealing of
> Þorvaldi ok þeim mönnum öllum, sem at hvalskurðinum höfðu
> verit ok neytt höfðu hvalinn.
> During the next summer, Hrafn prepared a case concerning
> the whale-taking at the hand's of Thorvaldr and all the
> men who had been at the whale-flensing and had consumed
> the whale.
> During the-summer-after Hrafn prepared [the] case
> concerning the-whale-taking against Þorvaldr and all those
> people (men), who had been at the-whale-flensing and had
> made-use-of the-whale.
> Sturla hét maðr, sonr Bárðar Snorrasonar ok ÞórdísarThere was a man called Sturla, son of Bárð Snorrason and
> Sturludóttur.
> There was a man named Sturla, the son of Bardar Snorrason
> and Thorisar Sturludottur.
> [There] was a person (man) called Sturla, son of Bárðr
> Snorri’s-son, and Þórdís Sturla’s-daughter
> Hann hafði mál á hendi.He had a suit in hand.
> He had a hand in the case.
> He had a case in hand (whatever that means?).
> Á því þingi varð Þorvaldr sekr ok níu menn aðrir, er atAt that þing Þorvald was sentenced to full outlawry along
> hvaltökunni höfðu verit.
> At the assembly, Thorvaldr and nine other men, who had
> been at the whale-taking, were convicted.
> At that assembly, Þorvaldr became condemned-to-outlawry
> and nine other persons (men), who had been at
> the-whale-taking.
> 17. Önnur atför Þorvalds við Hrafn.Þorvald’s second attack against Hrafn.
> Thorvaldr's second attack against Hrafn.
> 17. Another ( A second) attack of Þorvaldr against Hrafn.
> Eftir um sumarit reið Þorvaldr til þings með fjölmenni.Later in the summer Þorvald rode to [the] þing with many
> Later during the summer, Thorvaldr rode to the assembly
> with many people.
> After during the-summer Þorvaldr rode to [the] assembly
> with many-people.
> Þat sumar fór Hrafn eigi til þings.That summer Hrafn did not travel to [the] þing.
> That summer, Hrafn didn't go to the assembly.
> That summer Hrafn journeyed not to [the] assembly.
> Sturla Bárðarson fór til þings fyrir hönd Hrafns ok var íSturla Bárðarson travelled to [the] þing on Hrafn’s behalf
> flokki Þórðar Sturlusonar ok sagði til sektar Þorvalds at
> Lögbergi ok þeira manna annarra, er sekir höfðu orðit um
> hvalmál.
> Sturla Bardarson went to the assembly on Hrafn's behalf
> and was in Thordar Sturluson's party and told of
> Thorvaldr's penalty at Logberg (Law-hill) and to (the)
> other men who had become guilty concerning the whale-case
> (whale-gate!).
> Sturla Bárðr’s-son journeyed to [the] assembly
> on-behalf-of Hrafn and was in [the] party of Þórðr
> Sturla’s-son and said (spoke) in respect of the guilt of
> Þorvaldr at [the] Law-rock and of those other persons
> (men), who had become (been) condemned-to-outlawry over
> [the] whale-case.
> Þat sumar fór Hrafn norðr í Ísafjörð ok tók upp sektarféThat summer Hrafn travelled north to Ísafjörð and seized the
> fyrir þeim mönnum, er sekir höfðu orðit.
> That summer, Hrafn traveled north to Isafiord and seized
> the confiscated property of the men who had been fined.
> That summer Hrafn journeyed north to Ísafjörðr and chose
> (collected, identified, seized, lit: took up) [the]
> forfeited-goods-and-property for those persons (men), who
> had become (been) condemned-to-outlawry.
> Þá er Þorvaldr kom heim af þingí, safnaði hann mönnum umWhen Þorvald came home from the þing, he gathered men from
> allan Ísafjörð ok fekk hundrað manna.
> When Thorvaldr came home from the assembly, he gathered
> men from all across Isafiord, and he got 100 men.
> When Þorvaldr came home (typo) from [the] assembly, he
> gathered people (men) across all Ísafjörðr, and got a
> hundred (of) persons (men)
> Margir fóru nauðigir í þá för með Þorvaldi.Many travelled reluctant[ly] in that journey with Þorvald.
> Many went unwillingly in company with Thorvaldr. (similar
> to Z. för 1: vera í f. með e-m, to be in company with one)
> Many journeyed unwilling (nb: this is an adj rather than
> an adv) in that journey with Þorvaldr.
> Kolbeinn hét fylgdarmaðr Þorvalds.A follower of Þorvald’s was called Kolbein.
> A follower of Thorvaldr's was named Kolbeinn.
> A follower of Þorvaldr was-called Kolbeinn.
> Hann fór at sendingum þessum ok nökkurir menn með honumHe travelled with these messages, and several men with him,
> til fundar við þann mann, er Ámundi hét.
> As regards to these messages, he and several men with him
> traveled to a meeting with the man who was named Amundi.
> He journeyed by reason-of (?) these-messages (what
> messages?), and some persons (men) with him to a meeting
> with (ie to see) that person (man), who was-called Ámundi.