From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 14328
Date: 2019-01-28
> Þat högg kom á hönd Teiti á hreifann, ok var kallat ekkiThat blow hit Teit’s arm at the wrist and was not called a
> mikit sár, en höndin fell síðan af honum í hreifanum, þá
> er Þorvaldr Bjarnason skyldi græða hann.
> That blow landed on Teiti's hand on his wrist, and was not
> called a large wound, but afterwards his hand fell off
> from him at the wrist when Thorvaldr Bjarnson intended to
> cure him. (I used the Modern Icelandic possibility of
> skulu meaning to intend, here.)
> That blow came on the hand of Teitr on the-wrist, and was
> called not a great wound, but the-hand fell afterwards
> from him in the-wrist, when Þorvaldr Bjarni‘s-son should
> (ie was expected to) heal him.
> Á þau mál var þar þegar sætzt á þinginu.An agreement in those matters was at once reached there at
> Those matters were immmediately settled there at the
> Assembly.
> In that matter [it] was at-once come-to-terms there at the
> Thing (Assembly)
> En þat kom upp síðan, at þeir Loftr ok Gísli höfðu verit íAnd it came out afterwards that Lopt and Gísli had been in a
> fjörráðum við Þorvald ok þeir hefði heitit at halda upp
> fébótum fyrir Hauk, ef hann hefði unnit á Þorvaldi.
> And that became known later that Loftr and Gisli had been
> in plotting against his life with Thorvaldr and they had
> promised to discharge compensation for Haukr if he had
> done bodily injury to Thorvaldr.
> And that came up (ie came to light) afterwards, that they,
> Loptr and Gísli, had been in [the]
> hatching-of-a-plot-against-the-life of Þorvaldr and they
> had promised to discharge (lit: hold up) an offer-of-money
> (ie pay a reward) for Haukr, if he had
> done-a-bodily-injury to Þorvaldr.
> En er Loftr vissi, at Þorvaldr hafði ekki skeinzt, þáAnd when Lopt perceived that Þorvald had not been wounded,
> vildi hann eigi fébótum upp halda, sem þeir höfðu heitit.
> But when Loftr found out that Thorvaldr had not gotten a
> scratch, then he didn't want to discharge the
> compensation, which they had promised.
> But (And) when Loptr knew, that Þorvaldr had not
> been-scratched, then he wanted not to discharge (lit: hold
> up) [the] offer-of-money (ie pay the reward), which they
> had promised.
> Svá gerði ok Gísli, en Hauki þóttu þeir eiga at efna mæltGísli also acted thus, but Hauk thought that they were
> mál við sik, þar er hann hafði ráðit til Þorvalds, þótt
> hann hefði eigi skeinzt.
> Gisli also did so, but it seemed to Haukr they were under
> obligation (to have) settled the case with him, when he
> had attacked Thorvaldr, though he hadn't gotten a scratch.
> Gísli also acted thus, but (and) [it] seemed to Haukr they
> (ie Loptr and Gísli) to have stipulated (<mæla>, Z2) to
> fulfil [the] agreement with him, there where (ie insofar
> as) he had attacked Þorvaldr, even-though he (ie Þorvaldr)
> had not been-scratched.
> En því vildu þeir eigi fé gjalda, er Þorvaldr hafði ekkiBut for that [reason] they did not want to pay money,
> skeinzt af tilræði Hauks.
> But they didn't want to return that money, when Thorvaldr
> hadn't been slightly injured from Haukr's assault.
> But they wanted not to pay [the] money for that, when
> Þorvaldr had not been scratched by [the] assault of Haukr.
> Þá sýndist Lofti óvarligt vera sér at sitja í DýrafirðiThen it seemed to Lopt to be imprudent for him to stay at
> fyrir ófriði Þorvalds, ok fyrir því fór hann á brott,
> brátt er menn kómu af þingi, suðr um land til Eyjólfs goða
> Þorsteinssonar, mágs síns, föður Álfdísar, konu hans, ok
> var þar um sumarit ok öndverðan vetrinn.
> Then it seemed to Loftr imprudent to be staying in
> Byrafirth because of Thorvaldr's hostilities, and because
> of that he went away, as soon as people came from the
> Assembly, south across land to heathen-chief Eyjolf
> Thorsteinson, his inlaw and father of Alfdisar, his wife,
> and he stayed there during the summer and early winter.
> Then [it] seemed to Loptr to be imprudent (<úvarligr>) for
> himself to stay (lit: sit) in Dýrafjörðr for [reasons of]
> [the] enmity of Þorvaldr, and for that [reason] he
> journeyed away, as soon as folk came from [the] Thing
> (assembly), south across land to Eyjólfr [the] goði
> (chief), Þorsteinn’s-son, his father-in-law, father of
> Álfdís, his wife, and was (stayed) there during the-summer
> and the-beginning of the-winter.
> Þetta sumar fór Þorvaldr vestr í Dýrafjörð til leiðar atThis summer Þorvald travelled west into Dýrafjörð to the
> vitja fégjalda þeira, er gjaldast skyldu fyrir Hauk, en
> féin kómu þar eigi fram.
> This summer Thorvaldr went west to Thyrfiord on the way to
> claim their payment, which should be paid for Haukr, but
> the money didn't appear there.
> This summer Þorvaldr journeyed west to Dýrafjörðr to [the]
> local-assembly (<leið>, Z.ii) to fetch those payment
> (fine), which should be-paid for Haukr, but the-monies
> came not forth (was not forthcoming) there.
> Þá beiddi Þorvaldr Hrafn, at hann skyldi fara með honum áThen Þorvald requested of Hrafn that he should travel with
> Mýrar at ræna bú Lofts fyrir þat, er fégjöld kómu eigi
> fram fyrir Hauk.
> Then Thorvaldr asked Hrafn, that he should go with him to
> Myrar to rob Loftr's farm for that, when the payment
> didn't appear for Haukr.
> Then Þorvaldr asked Hrafn, that he should go with him to
> Mýrar to plunder [the] household of Loptr for that
> [reason] that payments came not forth (were not
> forthcoming) for Haukr.
> En Hrafn vildi eigi í þeiri för vera, kveðst veita munduBut Hrafn did not want to go [‘be’] on that journey; [he]
> Þorvaldi til laga, en eigi til ólaga, mælti, at Þorvaldr
> skyldi sækja Loft til laga eða Gísla um fjörráð eða
> fjárhald, ok kvaðst veita honum mundu til þess.
> But Hrafn didn't want to be on that trip; he said for
> himself (that) he would lead Thorvaldr to participation in
> law, but not to lawlessness, that Thorvaldr should
> prosecute Loftr lawfully or Gisla concerning plotting
> against one's life or withholding one's money, and says
> for himself he would lead to that.
> But Hrafn wanted not to be in their journey (expedition),
> declared-of-himself [that he] would help (<veita>, Z1)
> Þorvaldr through [the] law (ie by legal means), but [and]
> not through lawlessness (<úlög>) (ie not by illegal
> means), spoke, that Þorvaldr should pursue Loptr through
> [the] law (ie by legal means) or Gísli concerning [the]
> hatching-of-a-plot-against-the-life or with-holding-money,
> and declared-of-himself [that he] would help (<veita>, Z1)
> him through that (ie by those means).
> Eftir þat fór Þorvaldr á Mýrar ok rænti þar mörgu fé okAfter that Þorvald travelled to Mýrar and stole many sheep
> lagði ámæli til við Hrafn, er hann vildi eigi í þeiri för
> vera.
> After that, Thorvaldr went to Myrar and stole there much
> money and contributed blame against Hrafn, when he didn't
> want to be on that trip.
> After that Þorvaldr journeyed to Mýrar and plundered there
> much property and reproached (lit: placed blame towards
> [it] against) Hrafn, that he wanted not to be in their
> journey (expedition).
> Of þetta rán orti Heinrekr, þingmaðr Þorvalds, vísu þessa:Concerning this robbery Heinrek, Þorvald’s þingman, made
> Concerning this robbery, Heinrikr, Thorvaldr's liegeman,
> composed this verse:
> Of this plundering, Heinekr, Thingman (liegeman) of
> Þorvaldr, made this verse:
> Rækir, frák, at ræki,GPH gives it as follows:
> ráð vas þat mikit, dáða,
> kynnisk kappgirnd manna,
> kýr tuttugu af Mýrum.
> Nú hefr hrynbirkis hvárki
> hlynr, veitk á því skynjar,
> illr mun kostr sá kallaðr,
> kýr né land á Mýrum.
> Rekkar, frá ek, at ræki,Of course <frák> and <frá ek> are the same, as are <veitk>
> ráð er þat mikit dáða,
> kynnisk kappgirnd manna,
> kýr tuttugu af Mýrum.
> Nú hefr hrynbirkis hvárki
> hlynr, veit ek á því skynjar,
> illr mun kostr hans kallaðr,
> kýr né land á Mýrum.
> Rœkir frák at rækiThis is clearly similar in many respects to the online
> (ráð vas þat mikit) dáða,
> kynnisk kappgirnð manna,
> kýr tuttugu af Mýrum;
> nú hefr hrauðbirkis hvárki
> hlynr (veitk á því skynjar),
> illr mun kostr sá kallaðr,
> kýr né land á Mýrum.
> Frák, at dáða rækir ræki tuttugu kýr af Mýrum. Þat vasI heard that [the] caretaker of deeds drove twenty cows
> mikit ráð. Kappgirnd manna kynnisk. Nú hefr hrynbirkis
> hlynr hvárki kýr né land á Mýrum. Veitk skynjar á því, sá
> kostr mun illr kallaðr.
> Eg frétti, að kappimi ræki tuttugu kýr frá Mýrum. Það varI suspect that <kappimi> is an OCR error for <kappinn>.
> mikið afrek. Kappgirni manna verður augljós. Nú hefir hann
> hvorki kýr né land á Mýrum. Eg veit skyn á því, að sá
> kostur mun vera kallaður illur.
> You refuse, (frák?), that<Frák> is <frá ek>; <vas> is an older form of <var>.
> advice (vas?) that much, admire,
> became known full of energy and desire to excel man,
> twenty cows of Myrum.
> Now has neither (hrynbirkis?)
> maple tree, I know that sails,
> the choice will be called poor,
> cows nor land at Myrum.
> Driven-out (<rækr>, Lex Poet), I heard (<frá ek>), thatBrian
> that was [the] great plan, of merit (gram. gen fem pl, <dáð>, Z3)
> [the] ambition (<kappgirnð>, Lex. Poet) of men becomes-known
> twenty cows from Mýrar.
> Now [the] warrior (lit: maple-tree of mail-bark, <hlynr
> hrynbirkis> Lex Poet, which as best I can tell is
> uncertain about <hrynbirki>, as am I!) neither -
> I have (lit: know) knowledge about that,
> That choice will [be] called ill,
> cows nor land in Mýrar.
> Or, after rearranging all the pieces:
> I heard that, that was the great plan of merit– twenty
> cows driven-out from Mýrar I have knowledge of that: Now
> the warrior has neither cows nor land in Myrar - that
> choice will be called bad.