From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 14319
Date: 2019-01-08
> Ok er Hrafn hafði eigi lengi heima verit, þá fór hann íAnd when Hrafn had not been home long, he travelled to
> Vatnsfjörð at heimboði Þorvalds ok þá af honum stóðhross
> góð.
> And when Hrafn hadn't been long at home, then he went to
> Vatnsfiord to Thorvald's feast and then (got) from him a
> good stud-horse.
> And when Hrafn had not been long at home, then he
> journeyed to Vatnsfjörðr at [the] invitation of Þorvaldr
> and accepted (þá, past tense of þiggja) from him good
> stud-mares (plural).
> Þeir mæltu þá enn af nýju til vinfengis með sér.They then expressed yet again [a wish for] friendship
> They then expressed yet again a wish for friendship
> between them. (Z. nýr 1: af nýju = anew, again) (Z. mæla
> 3: m. til e-s, to express a wish for a thing)
> They spoke then yet again of [their wish for] friendship
> between themselves.
> Nökkuru síðar fór Þorvaldr á Eyri at heimboði Hrafns ok þáA while later Þorvald travelled to Eyrr at Hrafn’s
> af honum góðar gjafir, ok var þá vinfengi þeira ít bezta.
> Somewhat later, Thorvaldr went to Eyr to Hrafn's feast and
> then (got) from him good gifts, and then it was their best
> friendship.
> Somewhat later Þorvaldr journeyed to Eyrr at [the]
> invitation of Hrafn and accepted (þá, past tense of
> þiggja) from him good gifts, and then [ie at that time]
> their friendship was the best.
> 12. Frá hvalreka ok frá Víga-Hauki ok Lofti.Of a whale-stranding and of Víga-Hauk and Lopt.
> Concerning a stranding of whales and concerning Viga-Hauk
> and Lofti.
> 12. About a whale-stranding and about Víga-Haukr and
> Loptr.
> Í Selárdal kom reyðarhvalr góðr ok mikill á land þat, erA good and large rorqual came into Selárdal on the land that
> Ragnheiðr átti.
> In Selardale a good and large rorqual arrived to that land
> which Ragnheidr owned. (for more info on rorqual, see
> In Selárdalr came a rorqual good and large onto that land
> which Ragnheiðr had.
> Ok er Þorvaldr frá þat, fór hann í Selárdal ok baðAnd when Þorvald heard of that, he travelled to Selárdal and
> Ragnheiði, at hon skyldi selja honum nökkurar vættir
> hvals, en Ragneiðr lét hann hafa tólf vættir hvals ok
> mælti, at hann skyldi gjalda henni jafnmikinn hval síðar,
> þá er ræki á fjörur hans.
> And when Thorvaldr heard of that, he went to Selardale and
> asked Ragnheidr that she should hand over to him some
> whale weight, and Ragneidr let him have 12 80-pounds of
> whale and said that he should repay her equally-as-much
> whale later, when (a whale) would be be driven to his
> beach.
> And when Þorvald was-informed-of that, he journeyed to
> Selárdalr and asked Ragnheiðr, that she should hand-over
> to him several ‘vættir’ (several x 80 lbs) of [the] whale,
> but (and) Ragnheiðr (typo) let him have 12 ‘vættir’ (12 x
> 80 lbs) of [the] whale and spoke, that he should repay her
> equally-as-much whale later, when [it] should-be-tossed
> (stranded) on his beaches (foreshores, plural).
> Fyrir þann hval galt Þorvaldr aldri síðan.Þorvald never paid back for that whale afterwards.
> Thorvaldr never since paid back for that whale.
> Þorvaldr never repaid for that whale later-on.
> Ok er hann fór á brott ór Selárdal með hvalinn, gisti hannAnd when he travelled away from Selárdal with the whale, he
> í Lokinhömrum, ok er hann var þar um nótt, þá var stolinn
> í brott sumr hvalrinn.
> And when he went away outside of Selardale with the whale
> (meat), he passed the night at Lokinghomrum (Shut-shape?),
> and when he was there during the night, some (of) the
> whale (meat) was stolen away.
> And when he journeyed away out-of Selárdalr with
> the-whale, he passed-the-night in Lokinhamrar
> (Lokin?-Crags), and while he was there during [the] night,
> some of the whale was stolen away.
> Sá stuldr reyndist á hendr þingmanni Hrafns, þeim er bjó áHere <þeim> is masc. dat. sing., agreeing with its
> Sléttanesi.
> The theft proved to be at the hands of Hrafn's liegeman,
> those (why the plural "þeim" if it's one man?) who lived
> at Slettaness (Plain-ness).
> That theft was-proven-against a liegeman of Hrafn,That theft was brought home against a þingman of Hrafn’s,
> that-one (<þeim> is masc dat sg) who lived at Sléttaness
> (Ness of Flats, ie flat lands)
> Ok er Hrafn varð þess varr, varð hann skjótr til ok bauðAnd when Hrafn became aware of this, he was quick to make an
> honum at gjalda fyrir þingmann sinn slíkt fé sem Þorvaldr
> vildi gert hafa fyrir hvaltökuna.
> And when Hrafn heard that, he became swift and asked him
> to repay for his liegeman such money as Thorvaldr would
> want to have judged for the whale-taking. (Z. varr 1:
> verða e-s v., verða v. við e-t, to be aware of, learn,
> hear)
> And when Hrafn became aware of that, he became (ie was)
> quick to [action] and offered (<bjóða> not <bíða>) to
> repay him on-behalf of his liegeman, such money as
> Þorvaldr wanted to have fixed (as a fine, göra, Z10) for
> the-whale-taking.
> En Þorvaldr vildi eigi þiggja at Hrafni fébætr.But Þorvald did not want to accept compensation from Hrafn.
> But Thorvaldr didn't want to accept compensation from
> Hrafn.
> But Þorvaldr wanted not to accept compensation from Hrafn.
> Ok litlu síðar fór Þorvaldr ok rænti þann mann, er tekitAnd a little later Þorvald went and robbed the man who had
> hafði hvalinn, ok þaðan af tók Þorvaldr at ganga á hendr
> þingmönnum Hrafns at öðru hváru.
> And a little later, Thorvaldr went and robbed that man,
> who had taken the whale-meat, and from that time Thorvaldr
> began to submit to Hrafn's other liegemen nevertheless.
> (Z. þaðan 3: þaðan af = þaðan frá = þaðan í frá = from
> that time) (Z. ganga 15: g. á hönd (hendr) e-m, to submit
> to, give oneself up to, surrender to one) (Z. hvárr 3: at
> hváru = yet, nevertheless, however)
> And a little later Þorvaldr journeyed and robbed that
> person (man), who had taken the-whale, and from-that-time
> Þorvaldr started to go against (ie attack, cause trouble
> for, see <á hendr>, under <hönd>, Z*) Hrafn’s liegemen
> according-to-either-the-one-or-the-other (ie chosen pretty
> much at random, couldn´t find in Z or CV).
> * Unless I’m missing something, it seems to me <ganga á
> hendr e-m> is unlikely to mean <to submit, go into the
> hands of> in this context.
> Maðr hét Haukr, er kallaðr var Víga-Haukr, sonr OrmsAlthough it is etymologically identical to the common noun
> Fornasonar.
> A man was named Haukr (Hawk), who was called Viga-Haukr
> (Battle-Hawk), a son of Orm Fornason's.
> [There] was a person (man) called Haukr, who was calledThere was a man named Hauk who was called Víga-Hauk, son of
> Víga-Haukr, son of Ormr, son of Forni.
> Hann var norðlenzkr at ætt.He was a northerner [i.e., from the north of Iceland] by
> He was from the north of Iceland by heritage (i.e., his
> family was from the north of Iceland).
> He was from-the-North (of Iceland) by extraction.
> Hann kvángaðist vestr á Rauðasand ok fekk Hallberu, dótturHe took a wife west at Rauðasand and married Hallbera,
> Markúss Gíslasonar, ok fór þangat vistfari til Lofts.
> He got married towards the west at Raudasand and married
> Hallbera, the daughter of Markus Gislason, and he changed
> his abode to Loft. (I didn't find "vistfari"; however, CV
> has vista-fari, adj. changing one’s abode; fara
> vistafari.)
> He took-a-wife west at Rauðasandr and got [in marriage)
> Hallbera, daughter of Markús, son-of-Gísli, and
> changed-his-abode (presumably = <vista-fari>, CV, lit:
> went on an abode-passage) to Loptr’s-[place].
> Þá er Gísli Markússon var fulltíða at aldri, þá beiddiWhen Gísli Markússon was full-grown in age, he asked Lopt to
> hann Loft at gjalda fé þau, er hann hafði at varðveita, er
> þeir Markússynir áttu, ok Loftr galt féin af hendi, svá
> sem Gísli beiddi, bæði lönd ok lausa aura.
> Then when Gisli Markuson was full-grown, then he asked
> Loftr to repay the money, which he had kept, which the
> sons of Markus had, and Loftr repaid the money out of his
> hand, just as Gisli asked, both land and loose silver.
> When Gísli son-of-Markús was full-grown of age, then he
> asked Loptr to repay that money-and-property, which he (ie
> Loptr) had in keeping (lit: to keep safe), which they,
> [the] sons of Markús had-a-right-to (eiga, Z4), and Loptr
> repaid the-money-and-property from [his] hand (ie out of
> his keeping), such as Gísli requested, both lands and
> loose-property (ie roughly equivalent to chattels).