Hrafns 2 A - - Grace's translation

From: Grace Hatton
Message: 14221
Date: 2018-06-26

Þau Sveinbjörn ok Steinunn áttu tvá sonu ok fimm dætr.
They, Sveinbjorn and Steinunn had two sons and five daughters.

Herdís hét dóttir þeira, er átti Hallr parestr ok lögsögumaðr, sonr Gizurar lögsögumanns.
Herdis was the name of a daughter, who was married to Hallr, ?? and law speaker, son of Gizur the law speaker.

Helga hét önnur dóttir þeira.
Helga was the name of their second daughter.

Hana átti Brandr Þórisson ok Helgu Jónsdóttur austan frá Svínafelli.
She married Brandr Thorisson, and Helga Jons daughter ??, east of Svinafell.

Guðrún hét in þriðja dóttir þeira.
Gudrun was the name of their third daughter.

Hana átti Sámr prestr Símonarson.
She married Samr, the priest, son of Simon.

Halla hét in fjórða.
Halla was the name of the fourth.

Hana átti Þórðr Arason.
She married Thordr Ari’s son.

Birna hét in fimmta.
Birna was the name of the fifth.

Markús hét sonr Sveinbjarnar inn ellri, en Hrafn inn yngri.
Markus was the name of Sveinbjorn, the elder’s son, and Hrafn the younger.

Markús var mikill maðr vexti ok ramr at afli.
Markus was a well-grown man and strong in power.

Svá var handleggr hans digr meðal axlar ok ölnboga sem lær manns væri.
His arm was as thick between the shoulder and elbow as a man’s thigh.

Hann var ungr til bókar settr ok síðan vígðr til prests.
He was schooled to be a priest and afterwards ordained (Baetke) to the priesthood.

Á Eyri í Arnarfirði stendr steinn, sá er Markús bar þangat.
At Eryi in Arni’s firth stands a stone, that one which Markus brought there.

Í þeim steini váru klappaðir fjórir koppar.
On that stone were chiseled four cup-shaped-holes(CV).

Síðan er hann hafðr til þváttsteins ok er svá höfugr, at varla megu fjórir karlar hefja.
Afterwards when he lifted a washing stone and is so heavy that scarcely four men could lift it.

En fyrir því at skömm eru áföll þessa heims, þá varð Markús eigi langlífr.
But for it that shame was a judgement on this home, then Markus did not have a long life.

Hann fór einn vetr ór Arnarfirði um heiði til Tálknafjarðar ok þeir fjórir saman.
He went one winter out of Arni’s firth over the moor to Talknafirth and together with three (others).

Ok á heiðinni gerði at þeim vánt veðr, svá at þeir fóru villt.
And on the moor bad weather happened to them so that they went astray.

Ok er minnstar vánir váru, þá brast undir þeim einn hengiskafl, ok í þessi skriðu týndist Markús prestr ok annarr maðr með honum, en sá komst í brott heill ór skriðunni, er óknástr var.
And when it was least expected, then a jutting heap of snow broke under them, and Markus priest perished in this avalanche and another man with him and that one came away safe out of the avalanche who was the weakest.

Sá hét Árni, ok Húnþjófr hét annarr maðr, er á brott komst.
That one was named Arni and Hunthjolf was the name of another who escaped.

Þessi atburðr varð þar, sem heitir Feitsdalr.
This event happened there where it is known as Feits dale.

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