From: rob13567
Message: 14097
Date: 2018-01-08
Skúli hét sá maðr er þá tók forráð yfir liðinu.
Skuli was the name of the man who took charge over the troops.
Sigldu þeir síðan heim í Garðaríki, ok sögðu konungi slík tíðindi sem orðit höfðu í þeira ferðum.
They next sailed home to Gardariki, and told the king such news as had come to pass on their voyage.
Konungr lét sér fátt um finnast en Sigrgarðr var mörgum manni harmdauði.
The King disapproved, but Sigrgardr was (for) many men a sorrowful death.
Fréttust þessi tíðindi nú víða.
This news was now reported widely.
Þessi tíðindi komu austr í Tartaría til eyrnanna meykonunginum en hon brosti við ok kvað margt skrökvat þó at skemmra væri at spyrja en þó sáu menn þá at hagl hraut ór augum henni rautt sem blóð.
This news arrived east in Tartaria to the ears of the maid-king, but she smiled in reply, and said many invented stories although it would soon to find out and yet men then saw that hail fell out of her eyes (as) red as blood.
Annat sumar eptir at áliðnu sumri sigldi Knútr inn knappi austr í Tartaría.
The next summer at the appearance of summer, Knutr "the quick" sailed east to Tartaria.
Hann rataði strauma stóra ok storma mikla, ok leysti skipin undir þeim.
He met with great currents and great storms, and the ships broke up under them.
Komst Knútr einskipa undir Tartaría, ok braut skipit í lending ok misti menn alla nema tólf eina.
Knutr reached with a single ship under Tartaria, and the ship broke open upon landing, and all men were lost except just 12.
Fjárhlut rak á land allan.
Valuables drove all to land. (??)
Spurðu menn hann hvað ráðs skyldi taka.
Men asked him what advice should (be) take(n).
Knútr sagði ekki annat til enn at reyna á drengskap meykonungsins.
Knutr didn't say some other until yet to try the courage of the maid-king.
Hörðr segir at væri gæfuraun, en Stígandi segir at ekki dygði ófreistað, at einum degi gengu þeir fyrir meykonunginn.
Hordr says that it would be a trial of luck, but Stigandi says nothing ventured nothing gained, that some die before the maid-king.
Sat hon þá yfir borðum.
She then sat at table.
Knútr kvaddi hana virðuliga sem henni sæmdi.
Knutr spoke to her respectfully as honored her.
Hon tók ei kveðju hans en spurði þó hvat manni hann væri.
She didn't accept his greeting, but yet asked what man he would be.
Hann kvaðst Knútr heita, “ok er ek kominn hér á yðrar náðir.
He said for himself to be called Knutr, "and it is I (have) come here to your protection.
Hefir oss tekist heldr slysliga, misst skip vár öll, en tókum land með skipbroti, ok vildum vér gjarnan þiggja hér vetrvist.
We have come off rather badly, all (our) ships were missing, and we reached shore by shipwreck, and we willingly wanted to receive winter quarters here. (Z. slysliga: takast s., to come off badly)
Skortir oss ei fé fyrir oss at leggja, eðr aðra þjónustu ef þér vilit.”
We are not in want of money to be paid for us or other service if you wanted."
Hon horfði á hann lengi ok þagði, en litlu síðar mælti hon: “ertu sá Knútr er drepit hefr Sigrgarð inn frækna?”
She turned to him long and was silent, a little while later she said: "Are you the Knutr who has killed Sigrgardr the brave?"
“Ei mun ek þess þræta sem aðrir menn kenna mér; vænti ek þar helst fyrir sæmda af yðr er ek réði af yðr þann ófrið.”
"I will not contradict that as other men know me; I expect there most for redress for loss by you when I discuss with you that ugly (event)."