From: Fred &Grace Hatton Message: 13835 Date: 2017-01-17
Hún bað hann fara með sem hann vildi.
She bade him do as he wished.
Hann setr nú jarlinn á millum fóta henni.
He sets now “the earl” between her legs.
Var þar gata eigi mjök rúm, en þó kom hann fram ferðinni.
The hole there was not much room, but still he came forward in the journey.
Lágu þau nú um stund, sem þeim líkar, áðr en bóndadóttir spyrr, hvárt
jarlinum mundi hafa tekizt herzlan.
They lay now for a while, as pleased them, before when the farmer’s daughter
asks, whether the hardening of “the earl” would have taken effect.
En hann spyrr, hvárt hún vill herða oftar, en hún kvað sér þat vel líka, ef
honum þykkir þurfa.
And he asks, whether she will harden (it) more often, and she said she likes
it well, if he thinks to need.
Greinir þá ekki, hversu oft at þau léku sér á þeiri nótt, en hins getr, at
Bósi spyrr, hvárt hún vissi ekki til, - "hvert at leita skyldi at gammseggi
því, sem vit fóstbræðr erum eftir sendir ok gullstöfum er ritat utan."
They did not disagree, how often that they played with each other on that
night, ???
that Bosi asks whether she knew anything “where should (one) search for that
vulture’s egg, that we foster brothers are sent after and gold lettering is
written on the outside.”
Hún kvaðst eigi minna mundu launa honum gullit ok góða nætrskemmtan en segja
honum þat, sem hann vill vita, - "en hverr var þér svá reiðr, at þik vill
feigan ok senda þik forsending?"
She said she would not remember? to reward him the gold? and good night
enjoyment but tell him that, which he wanted to know “and who is so angry
with you, that you will be fated to die and sends you on this dangerous
"Eigi gengr illt til alls, ok verðr engi frægr af engu," segir hann, "eru
þeir ok margir hlutir, at oft snúast til gæfu, þó at háskasamliga sé
“It doesn’t go badly all the time? and no one becomes famous from nothing,”
says he, “There are many opportunities, that often turn themselves into good
luck, even though arranged to be perilous.”
8. Þeir félagar náðu gammsegginu.
Those comrades approach the vulture’s egg.
"Hér í skógi þessum stendr hof mikit.
“Here in the forest stands a great temple.
Þat á Hárekr konungr, er hér ræðr fyrir Bjarmalandi.
King Harekr who rules here over Bjarmaland has it.
Þat er göfgat goð þat, er Jómali heitir.
It is for worship of that god, who is named Jomali.
Þat er gull mikit ok gersemar.
It is much gold and treasure.
Fyrir því hofi ræðr móðir konungs, er Kolfrosta heitir.
Over the temple rules the king’s mother, who is named Kolfrosta.
Hún er mögnuð af blótskap, svá at henni kemr engi hlutr á óvart.
She is ? by heathen worship so that to her comes no chance (without her
being) unaware.
Hún veit þat fyrir með konstrum sínum, at hún á eigi at lifa út allan þenna
mánuð, ok því fór hún hamfari austr á Glæsivöllu ok nam í burt Hleiði,
systur Goðmundar konungs, ok ætlar, at hún skuli vera hofgyðja eftir sik.
She knew it before with her wise advice (Baetke), that she has not to live
out all these months and for that reason she went traveling in the shape of
an animal east to Glaesivellir and took Hleidi, sister of King Godmund away
and intends that she shall be priestess after her.
En þat er þó skaði mikill, því at hún er allra meyja fríðust ok kurteisust,
ok væri betr, at þat færist undan."
And that is still a great loss, because she is of all young women most
beautiful and most well-bred, and it were better that refused.”
"Hvat er til vandhæfa í hofinu?" sagði Bósi.
“What is the difficulty in the temple?” said Bosi.
"Gammr er þar," sagði hún, "svá bölvaðr ok grimmr, at hann drepr allt þat,
er fyrir verðr hans ódæmum.
“The vulture is there,” said she, “so accursed and dire, that he kills all
that which for him becomes enormous.?