Gull-Thoris Saga 17B / Alan´s Translation

From: Alan Thompson
Message: 13723
Date: 2016-08-20

Here´s my translation



Þórir var nú var um sig og lét upp halda virkinu. 
Þórir was now aware about himself (ie on his guard) and caused to hold up (maintain, defend?) the-stronghold.

Þá lét Þuríður drikkinn gera rekkju gagnvert dyrum og kvað sér þá mundu fátt á óvart koma. 
Then Þuríðr drikinn caused to construct a bed over-against (the) doorway and declared then (that) little (ie not much) would then come to her unawares (ie would take her by surprise)

Ekki sættust þeir Styrkár og Þórir á víg Helga.
They Styrkár and Þórir did not come-to-terms on (the) slaying of Helgi.

En það var nokkuru síðar að Styrkár gekk á skip með húskarla sína tíu. 
But (And) that was somewhat later that Styrkár went to (his) ship with his ten house-carles (menservents).

Þar var Kerling í för með þeim dóttir hans. 
There was Kerling, his daughter, in company (on the journey) with them (Styrkár + 10).

Þau fóru leynilega suður yfir Þorskafjörð og komu á Hofstaði til Halls. 
They journeyed secretly south over Þorskafjörð (Cod-fjord) and came to Hafstaðir to Hallr.

Styrkár skorar á hann til liðs. 
Styrkár calls upon him for support (skora á e-n til  e-s, Z4)

Hallur brást við skjótt og fór þegar við fimmtánda mann. 
Hallr started-off expeditiously and journeyed at-once with (the) fifteenth men (persons)

Þeir voru nú allir saman sex og tveir tigir. 
They were now all together twenty six (six and two tens) (11 + 15 + plus Kerling makes 27, surely).

Kerling hafði ráð fyrir liði þeirra og hún hafði huliðshjálm yfir skipinu meðan þau reru yfir fjörðinn til Þórisstaða. 
Kerling had authority (was responsible?) for their assistance (ie for helping them) and she had (ie maintained) a hiding-helmet (invisible-shield) over the-ship while they rowed over the fjord to Þórisstaðir (Þórir’s-steads).

Þau gengu frá skipi ofanverða nátt og gekk Kerling fyrst í virkið því að þegar spratt upp lásinn fyrir henni er hún kom að. 
They went from (the) ship late in the night and Kerling went (on foot) first into the-stronghold because (she) at-once made the-lock (accusative) to spring open (spretta, Z1) when she came to (it)

Og er hún kom í virkið hljóp að henni gyltur mikil og svo hart í fang henni að hún fór öfug út af virkinu. 
And when she came into the-stronghold a great young-sow ran at her and so hard into a hold with her (ie grappled her so hard) that she (Kerling) went backside-first out of the stronghold.

Og í því hljóp upp Þuríður drikkinn og bað Þóri vopnast, segir að ófriður var kominn að bænum. 
And in that (instant) Þuríðr drikinn ran up and bade Þórir to take-his-arms, says that hostilities was (had) come to the farmstead.

Þeir Þórir hlupu upp og klæddust, tóku vopn sín og voru tólf saman. 
They Þórir (and co) jumped up and clothed-themselves, took their weapons and were twelve together.

Tekst þar bardagi í virkinu. 
A battle took-place there in the-stronghold

Þeir Þórir urðu sárir mjög því að vopn þeirra bitu ekki.
They Þórir (and co) became (ie were) much wounded because their weapons did-not-bite.

Þá sá Þuríður drikkinn að Kerling fór um völlinn að húsbaki og hafði klæðin á baki sér uppi en niðri höfuðið og sá svo skýin á milli fóta sér. 
Then Þuríðr drikkinn saw that Kerling went across the-field to (the) back-of-the-houses and (that she) had (wore) the-clothes up on her back (ie so that she was naked from the waste down?) but below the-head and (she, Þuríðr) saw thus the-clouds between her legs (because they were not covered?).

Þuríður hljóp þá út af virkinu og rann á hana og þreif í hárið og reif af aftur hnakkafilluna. 
Þuríðr ran then out from the-stronghold and ran at her and snatched the-hair and tore back the-flesh-and-skin-of-the-nape off (her neck).

Kerling tók í eyra Þuríði báðum höndum og sleit af henni eyrað og alla kinnfilluna ofan. 
Kerling took (the) ear of Þuríðr in both hands and tore of the-ear of her and all the-cheek-flesh from-above.

Og í því tók að bíta vopn Þóris og urðu þá mjög skeinusamir. 
And in that (instant) (the) weapon of Þórir started to bite and (the weapons) became then very likely-to-wound.

Féllu þá sumir menn Halls en sumir flýðu ofan úr virkinu. 
Some men of Hallr´s then fell (in battle) but (and) some fled down out-of the-castle.

Börðust þeir þá á leiðinni ofan til sjóvarins. 
They fought-each-other then on the road down to the-sea.

En svo lauk að þeir komust á skip um síðir en eftir lágu fimm menn en tveir féllu af Þóri. 
But (and) (it) so concluded that they made their way to (the) ship at-last but (and) five men (persons) lay behind but (and) two fell (in battle) of Þórir’s (men).

Þær Þuríður og Kerling voru báðar óvígar.
They Þuríðr and Kerling were both unable-to-fight (disabled, rendered-powerless)

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