From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 13709
Date: 2016-07-12
> Knútur bóndi á Knútsstöðum sá að þeir Steinólfur reruMaster Knút of Knútsstaðir saw that Steinólf and his men
> fyrir landið.
> Farmer Knutr in Knutsstead saw that Steinolfr and the
> others were rowing for land.
> Yeoman Knut at Knut’s steads saw that Steinolf and company
> rowed for land.
> Farmer (Yeoman) Knútr at Knútsstaðir (Knútr‘s-Steads) saw
> that they, Steinólfr (and co) rowed off (fyrir, Z5 or Z6)
> the-land (ie off shore).
> Hann kenndi skipið og sendir þegar menn í Fagradal ogHe recognized the ship and immediately sends people to
> stefndi mönnum til naustanna.
> He recognized the ship and sends men at once through
> Fagradale and summoned the men to the boat-house.
> He recognized the ship and sends men at once to Fairdale
> and summoned men to the boat shed.
> He recognised the-ship and sends at-once people (men) to
> Fagradalr (Fair-Dale) and summoned people (men) to the
> boat-sheds (gen plural).
> Hann fór og þangað með sína menn.He also went there with his men.
> He also went there with his men.
> He went thither also with his men.
> He journeyed also thither with his people (men).
> Steinólfur stillir svo til um róðurinn að þeir yrðu mjögSteinólf so manages the rowing that they were almost as
> jafnskjótir til lands og Þórarinn með sínum mönnum.
> Steinolfr so manages the rowing that they were very ready
> very quickly to land and Thorarin with his men.
> Steinolfr moderates thus with the rowing that they came
> forth to land at the same time as Thorarinn with his men.
> Steinólfr arranges (stilla, Z3) the-rowing such that they
> became (were) very-nearly as-quickly to (the) land as
> (jafn-…og?) Þórarinn with his people (men)
> Gengu þeir Kjallakur þegar upp frá skipi og námu staðar áKjallak and his companions immediately went ashore from the
> ströndinni.
> They, Kjallakr (and company), went up immediately from the
> ship, and they reached a spot on the beach.
> Kjallakr and his men went up from the ship at once and
> stopped on the beach.
> They, Kjallakr (and co) went (on foot) at-once up from
> (their) ship and halted (nema staðar, Z1) on the-strand.
> Þórarinn eggjar þá sína menn til uppgöngu.Then Þórarin urges his men to go ashore.
> Thorarinn then eggs on his men to go ashore. (Z. uppganga
> 2 glosses this)
> Then Thorarinn urged his men to go up.
> Þórarinn urges then his men to a going-ashore (ie to go
> ashore).
> Voru þeir tveir tigir en þeir Steinólfur hálfur þriðjiThey were 20, and Steinólf and his fellows [were] 25 [‘half
> tugur.
> They were 20, but Steinolfr (and the others were) 15.
> They were twenty, but Steinolfr and his men were fifteen.
> They were twenty (two tens) but they, Steinólfr (and co)
> twenty-five (lit: half of the third ten)
> Þar varð harður bardagi á eyrinni.There was a hard battle on the sandbank.
> A hard battle ensued on the sandbank.
> A fierce fight happened there on the sand bank.
> A hard-(fought) battle occurred there on the-sand-bank.
> Og er þeir höfðu skamma stund barist kom Knútur viðAnd when they had fought for a short time, Knút arrived with
> fimmtánda mann og veitti Steinólfi og sneri þá skjótt
> mannfallinu á hendur þeim Þórarni og féll hann þar og níu
> menn með honum en fimm af Steinólfi.
> And when they had a short time fought, Knutr with 14 men
> arrived and he supported Steinolfr and then immediately
> the slaughter turned to Thorarn (and the others') hands
> and he and nine men with him fell there, and five of
> Steinolfr's.
> And when they had fought for a short time, Knut came with
> fourteen men and helped Steinolfr and the manslaughter
> turns then quickly against Thorarinn and his men and he
> fell there and nine men with him, but five of Steinolfr’s.
> And when they had fought (berjast) for a short time, Knútr
> came with a fifteenth (person) man (ie with 14 others) and
> helped Steinólfr and (it) turned then quickly in
> the-fall-of-men (in battle) against (á hendr e-m, see also
> snúa, Z1) them, Þórarinn (and co) (ie they were on the
> losing end) and he (Þórarinn) fell (in battle) there and
> nine persons (men) with him but (and) five (on-the-side)
> of Steinólfr.
> Þeir hlupu á kaf er eftir voru og tóku þeir Þórir þá afThose who were left plunged into [the] water, and Þóri and
> sundi er þeir komu eftir og drógu upp í skip sitt.
> They plunged into water where they stayed after, and they
> deprived (?) them of swimming when they came back and
> dragged his ship ashore. (Z. kaf: hlaupa á kaf = to plunge
> into water)
> They plunged into the water, (those) who were left and
> Thorir and company took them from the sound when they came
> along and drew (them) up into their ship.
> They who were after (ie who remained) leaped to a
> plunge-into-water (ie the plunged into the water) and
> they, Þórir (and co) deprived them of (their) swimming (cf
> taka e-n af e-m, Z12) when they came (fell?) behind and
> drew (them) up into their ship.
> Þeir Gunnar og Ketilbjörn vildu þegar að landi leggja enGunnar and Ketilbjörn wanted to land at once, but Þóri
> Þórir bannar þeim og heldur Gunnari.
> Gunnar and Kettilbjorn wanted to land at once, but Thorir
> prohibits them and restrains Gunnar.
> Gunnar and Ketilbjorn wanted to land at once, but Thorir
> forbids them and restrains Gunnar.
> They Gunnarr and Ketilbjörn wanted at-once to lay (course)
> to land but (and) Þórir forbids them and restrains Gunnarr
> (is it possible that heldr is the comparative adverb and
> not halda?).
> En Ketilbjörn hljóp í framstafn á skipi Steinólfs og dróBut Ketilbjörn leaped to the prow of Steinólf’s ship and
> að sér.
> But Ketilbjorn jumped to the prow of Steinolfr's ship and
> and drew it to him.
> But Ketilbjorn leaped from the prow to Steinolf’s ship and
> drew (it?) towards himself.
> But (and) Ketilbjörn leaped on-to (the) prow on
> Steinólfr’s ship and drew (pulled) (his own?) ship (close)
> up to himself, (draga, Z10).
> Skutu þeir þá við forkum og fluttust frá landi.Then they shoved quickly with poles and travelled away from
> They then pushed with poles and conveyed themselves from
> land.
> They shot then with poles for punting and moved away from
> land.
> They pushed (off) then with poles and conveyed-themselves
> from land.
> Þeir Steinólfur hlupu þá ofan á fjöruna og eggja Þóri uppThen Steinólf and his companions ran down to the beach and
> að ganga á land en hann kvað þeim meira mundu fyrir verða
> "að standa yfir höfuðsvörðum mínum."
> Steinolfr and the others then jumped down to the beach and
> (Steinolfr) eggs on Thorir to go up to land, and he told
> them more the would meet with "to be present at my
> bodyguard." (?)
> Steinolfr and his men ran then down upon the beach and
> urge Thorir up to go ashore but he said to better more
> would be “to stand over my bodyguards.”
> They, Steinólfr (and co) leaped then down on-to
> the-foreshore (fjara, Z2), and (they) urge Þórir to go up
> on-to land (ie ashore) but he declared (that it) would be
> in their way (ie a hindrance to them, verða fyrir e-m, Z8)
> “to stand over my bodyguards (?).
> Reri hann þá vestur yfir fjörð með bæði skipin en hinirHe then rowed west across the fjord with both of the ships,
> þóttust eigi skipakost til hafa að róa eftir þeim.
> He then rowed west accross the fiord with both the ships,
> and the one didn't think the naval force to have to row
> after them.
> He rows then west over the fjord with both ships, but the
> others thought themselves to have a naval force to row
> after them.
> He rowed then west over (the) fjord with both the-ships
> but (and) the-others bethought-themselves not to have (ie
> possess) (the) naval-force (maritime capability) to row
> after them.
> Þórir lenti við Langeyri og lágu þar níu menn dauðir ogÞóri landed at Langeyr, and nine men lay dead there, all
> allir af Ólafsdælum.
> Thorir landed by Lang-eyri (Long Sandbank) and lay nine
> dead men and all from Olaf's-dale.
> Thorir landed at Long island and nine men lay there dead
> and all from Olaf’s dales.
> Þórir landed at Langeyrr (Long-Sand-Bank) and nine persons
> (men) lay dead there and all from (the) Ólafsdalr-folk.
> Þorvaldur var græðandi og var í brott fluttur.Þorvald was healing and was carried away.
> Thorvaldr was healing and was being conveyed away.
> Thorvald was healing? and was carried away.
> Þorvaldr was healing (groeða, Z2) and was conveyed away.
> Sex menn voru þar dauðir er þeir höfðu fyrst fundist.Six men there were dead when they were first found.
> Six men were dead there, they who had first been
> discovered.
> Six men were dead there who they had met first.
> Six men were dead there when they had first
> met-one-another.
> En lið það er Steinólfur hafði séð mart lið fara fráAnd that host when Steinólf had seen a numerous host travel
> Gróstöðum, það voru naut Gró og breiddi hún klæði á
> hornin.
> And/but the (group of) troops that Steinolfr had seen many
> troops going from Grostad, that they were Gro's cattle and
> she spread cloths on the horns.
> But that morning?? when Steinolfr had seen a great host to
> go from Groa’s steads, it was a gift of Groa and she
> spread cloth to the horn???
> But (and) that troop, when Steinólfr had seen many a troop
> go from Gróstaæir (Gróa’s-Steads), that (‘troop’, ie
> referring back to lið) was (the) cattle of Gróa and she
> spread cloth on the-horns (ie to disguise the cattle).
> En mannföll þessi eru sögð eftir kumlum þeim er fundin eruAnd these slaughters are said to account for [‘said about’]
> þar er bardagarnir hafa verið.
> And/but this loss of life they were told tales of their
> cairns which were found where the battles have been. (Z.
> segja 5: segja eptir e-m = to tell tales of one)
> And this manslaughter was related after those wounded who
> were found there where the battle had been.
> But these fallings-of-men (in battle) (plural) are
> evidenced by (lit: said after) those cairns (kuml, Z2)
> which are found there where the-battles had been.
> Eftir þessi tíðindi fór Þórir heim til bús síns og fóru þáAfter these events Þóri went home to his farm, and then
> menn í millum og varð griðum á komið um síðir.
> After this news, Thorir went home to his farm and then men
> went among themselves and it happened (that) peace came
> for a while.
> After these tidings, Thorir went home to his farm and men
> went between and a truce happened to come about later.
> After these events Þórir journeyed home to his farm and
> then people (men) went between (as mediators?) and (there)
> became (was, verða + pp) brought about (effected, kóma á
> e-u, Z4) peace at last
> Ekki var þessi sætt í saksóknir færð því að þessi tíðindiThis reconciliation was not accomplished by lawsuits,
> urðu fyrr en Úlfljótur flutti lög til Íslands út.
> This peace in lawmaking was not gotten because this news
> happened sooner than Ulfljotr conveyed law out to Iceland.
> This agreement was not brought in a lawsuit because these
> happenings came before Ulfjotr brought the law out to
> Iceland.
> This reconciliation was not conveyed in lawsuits because
> these events happened before Úlfljótr conveyed out (ie
> introduced) law to Ísland (Iceland)