Gull Thoris Saga 10 B - - Grace's translation

From: Fred &Grace Hatton
Message: 13636
Date: 2016-03-08

Nú koma þeir á mýrina og þegar hleypur Kýlan upp úr einum runni og sótti að
Mávi í ákafa.
Now they come to the moor and immediately Kylan leaps up out of a bush and
attacked Mar fiercely.

Askmaður skopar um hið ytra og vildi krækja af honum skjöldinn.
Askmadr mocks about the better? and wanted to hook the shield away from him.

Már hjó hart og tíðum en sverðið beit ekki.
Mar hewed hard and often, but the sword didn't bite.

Þá kastar hann skildinum en þreif sverðið báðum höndum.
They he casts (away) the shield, and grabs the sword with both hands.

Hann hjó á öxl Kýlans svo hart að lamdist axlarbeinið og jafnskjótt hjó
Kýlan í mót og kom á hendur Mávi og tók af báðar í úlfliðum.
He hewed at Kylan's shoulder so hard that the shoulder blade was severely
injured and just as quickly Kylan l hewed in return and (the blow) came on
Mar's hands and took both off at the wrists.

Már rann þá á Kýlan og spennti um hann stúfunum.
Mar ran then to Kylan and clasped him about the stumps.

Þá hljóp Askmaður á bak Mávi og lagði á meðal herða honum svo að fram kom í
Then Askmadr leaped on Mar's back and thrust between his shoulders so that
(the sword) came forward in the breast.

Þar féll Már, hinn besti drengur, og huldu þeir hræ hans og sögðu Halli hvar
komið var.
There fell Mar, the best valiant (man), and they hid his dead body and told
Hallr what had happened.

Hann lét vel yfir.
He was pleased.

Eftir það fóru þeir heim og lagðist Kýlan í rekkju og ónýtti höndina.
After that they went home and Kylan lay in bed and the hand was not

Hallvarður var heima er hann frá lát sonar síns.
Hallvardr was at home when he (learned) of his son's death.

Hann var þá til einkis fær.
He was then able to do nothing about it.

Þá sendi hann mann til Þóris að segja honum tíðindi.
Then he sent a man to Thorir to tell him the news.

Hann svaraði fá um þetta.
He didn't have much to say in response to this.

En litlu síðar fóru Þórir og Ketilbjörn og Kinnarsynir til Hafrafells og
fundu Kýlan í dyrum úti.
And a little later Thorir and Ketilbjorn and Kinnar's sons went to
Hafrafells and met Kylan outside the door.

Þeir beiddu bóta fyrir víg Márs en hann svarar illa og rak aftur hurðina í
They asked for compensation for Mar's slaying but he answered badly and
slammed the door.

Þeir tóku stokk og brutu upp hurðina og fundu hvergi Kýlan en fundu laundyr
á bak húsum.
They took a log and broke up the door and met Kylan nowhere but found a
secret door in back of the house.

Hlupu þeir út og sáu að Kýlan var kominn upp í fjall.
They ran outside and saw that Kylan was going up a hill.

Þeir runnu eftir honum og þar til er vatn varð fyrir þeim.
They ran after him until when water was before them.

Þar hljóp Kýlan á út en Þórir skaut eftir honum spjótinu því er faðir hans
hafði gefið honum og kom í milli herða Kýlan og kom hvorki upp síðan.
There Kylan leaped out (over the water) but Thorir shot a spear after him
the one which his father had given him and it came between Kylan
s shoulders and nor did he come up afterwards.

Eftir það fóru þeir heim.
After that they went home.

Þá ræddi Þórir um að hann vildi finna Askmann.
Then Thorir deliberated on it that he wanted to find Askmadr.

Og er þeir komu á bæ hans voru aftur hurðir.
And when they came to his farm, the doors were shut.

Þar voru lítil hús.
There was a little house.

Viðköstur var fyrir dyrum.
A pile of wood was before the door.

Þeir Þórir ruddu viðinum á hurðina og báru eld í.
They Thorir and company tossed the wood on the door and set fire to it.

Grace Hatton
Hawley, PA

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