From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 13516
Date: 2015-08-26
> 10. kafli - Hrani ok Einarr bjuggust til utanfararHrani and Einar made ready for a journey abroad
> Hrani and Einarr Prepared for a Journey Abroad
> Chapter 10 – Hrani and Einarr made-themselves ready for a
> journey-abroad (from Iceland)
> En stuttu eftir þetta ríðr Hrani til Lundarbrekku ok kemrAnd shortly after this Hrani rides to Lundarbrekka and comes
> at máli við föður sinn, segjandi honum fyrirætlan sína,
> einnig draum sinn ok fyrirspá móðurföður síns um
> eftirkomandi hagi sína, - "eða hvat viltu, faðir, leggja
> til þá?" segir hann.
> A short [time] after this, Hrani rides to Lundarbrekk
> (Mind's-slope?) and arrives to speak with his father,
> telling him his purpose, also his dream and his maternal
> grandfather's prophecy concerning his future return, --
> "What will you, father, say to that, then?" he says.
> But (And) shortly after this, Hrani rides to Lundarbrekka
> (Slope-of-(the)-grove(lundr)), and comes into speaking (ie
> enters into conversation) with his father, saying to him
> his future-intentions (Note: CV glosses ‘design’),
> likewise his dream and (the) prophecy of his
> mother’s-father (maternal grandfather) concerning his
> future (lit: after-coming) condition (situation, hagr,
> Z1), - “but what do you want, father, to contribute (lit:
> put towards (it), leggja e-t til, Z13, could be either
> materially or by way of advice?) then?” he says.
> Egill svarar líkt sem Helgi, at eigi sé ólíkligt, at honumEgil replies like Helgi, that it is not unlikely that this
> gefist vel áform þetta, - "ok mun því bágara at letja þik
> þess sem afi þinn hefir spát betr fyrir þér, því svo ræð
> ek vísur hans sem hugr karls sé vel til þín ok hann viti
> fyrir þér liggja nokkura gæfu.
> Egill answers the same as Helgi, that nothing would be
> unlikely, that this arrangement proved good to him, --
> "And this will more uneasy to dissuade you [from] that as
> your grandfather has foretold better for you, that so I
> discussed his verse as a man's mind would be well to you
> and he knew you beforehand lies some luck. (Z. gefast vel
> (illa) = to prove good (bad))
> Egill answers much-the-same as Helgi, that (it)
> would-not-be unlikely, that this arrangement would-prove
> good for him, “and (it) will (be) more-difficult for( ie
> to do) that, to dissuade you from that which your
> grandfather has better (ie more enticingly) prophesied
> better for you, in that I understand (ráða, Z12) his
> verses, thus as (svá…sem? Something doesn´t quite tie in
> here) (the) wish of (the) old-man, are pleasing to you and
> he knows some good-luck to lie in wait (ie be in store,
> liggja fyrir e-m, Z8) for you.
> Þykkir mér nú eigi síðr gegna, at þú hvetjir EinarIt seems to me now not less to suit [me] that you should
> Sölvason til utanferðar með þér.
> It seems to me now it doesn't mean less, that you
> encourage Einar Solvason to (go on) a journey abroad with
> you.
> (It) seems to me now not less to suit (me) (ie I am all in
> favour that), that you should-encourage Einarr Sölvi’s-son
> to (take) (the) journey-abroad with you.
> Þit eruð báðir efniligir ok vel færir, þó nokkuru sé atYou two are both promising and well able to go, even if
> mæta.
> You (two) are both promising and well able to go, though
> it would be somewhat to suffer.
> You-two are both promising and very capable (of doing it),
> yet somehow (it) be meeting (?? I cannot make sense of
> this).
> Þat er ok lífvænligra fyrir tvo jafnröskva sem þit eruð atIt is also more promising of survival [‘life’] for two such
> taka far hjá ókenndum skipverjum eða vera meðal margra
> ókunnigra heldr en einn ókenndr sé hjá mörgum ókenndum,
> hvat sem til kann bera, ok mættuð þit halda saman, þar til
> ykkr fáið vel niðr komit.
> It is also with hope of life for two equally-brave as you
> two are to take passage by unknown ships or are among many
> unknown rather than one unknown would be by many unknowns,
> whatsoever be able to try if it fits, and you two suffer
> keep together, until you are able to come down well.
> That is also with-more hope-of-survival for two
> equally-doughty (men) as you are to take a
> passage-in-a-ship alongside a strange (unknown) crew or be
> among many unacquainted (men, ie strangers) rather than
> (for) a single unknown (man, ie stranger) (to) be
> alongside many unknown (men, strangers), and you-two could
> hold (keep, stay) together, until (you-two) are-able (fá +
> pp) to bring yourself well down (make landing in Norway?).
> En ætlan mín er þat, frændi, at eigi munum vit Sölvi sjáBut my expectation, kinsman, is that we two, Sölvi [and I],
> ykkr aftur né þit til Íslands koma síðan.
> And my intention is that, kinsman, that we will not know
> Solvi sees you after nor arrive in Iceland since.
> But my expectation is that, kinsman, that we-two, Sölvi
> (and I), will not see you back nor (will) you-two come (ie
> return) afterwards to Iceland.
> Nú vilda ek fá þér svo farkost, at þér þætti sem meðtekitNow I wish to get you such a ship that it would seem to you
> hefðir arfhlut eftir okkr móður þína, þótt eigi aftr
> kæmir."
> Now I wanted to get you such a ship, that it would seem to
> you as the reception (?) (hefðir = "have" or "prescriptive
> rights"?) (arfhlut??) after our your (why "okkr" and
> "þína" with "mother"?) mother, although would not come
> back,"
> Now I would-want to obtain for you a ship, such that (it)
> was-reckoned (þykkja, Z1) by you that (your)
> inherited-shares (arfhlut?) had (been) received (ie
> inherited, meðtaka) from us, your mother (and I),
> even-though (you-two) should come not back.”
> Hrani gladdist nú við lofun þessa ok þakkaði föður sínumHrani rejoiced at this permission and thanked his father
> blíðliga.
> Hrani now was glad from these good reports and thanked his
> father kindly. (Problem "lof" is neuter, and the only form
> I see for neuter ending in "-un" is with the definite
> article, either as the plural nominative or the plural
> accusative; however, "þessa" goes with neuter only in the
> singular genetive. So something is wrong with my
> translation!)
> Hrani was-glad (gleðjast) now with this permission (to go
> abroad, see lofan, CV) and thanked his father
> with-kindness.
> Skilja þeir nú at svo mæltu.They part now with this arranged.
> They now part having so spoken.
> They part now with such spoken.
> Ferr nú Hrani þat fyrsta at hitta Einar ok segir honumHrani now travels first of all to meet Einar and tells him
> ráðagerð sína ok tillögur föður síns.
> Hrani now went first to meet Einar and tells him his plan
> and his father's counsel.
> Hrani now goes, first thing, to meet Einarr and says to
> him his plan and his father´s contributions
> Einari leizt vel á þetta fyrirtæki ok kveðst vilja meðEinar was please with this undertaking and said that he
> honum fara.
> Einar was pleased with this undertaking and said for
> himslef (that he) would want to go with him. (compare: Z.
> líta -- leizt mér vel á konunginn, I was pleased with the
> king)
> (It) seemed (lítast) to Einarr well in (ie Einarr was well
> pleased with) this undertaking (commitment, thing taken in
> hand, CV), and declared-of-himself to want to journey with
> him.
> Nú kemr Hrani heim til Helgastaða ok segir Helga allt,Now Hrani comes home to Helgastaðir and tells Helgi
> hvat til hafði talazt með þeim feðgum ok Einari um
> utanferð þeirra ok at faðir sinn hafi spát sér, at eigi
> mundi hann aftrkvæmt eiga til ættjarðar sinnar né heldr
> Einarr.
> Hrani now comes home to Helgastad and tells Helgi
> everything, what you had spoken with them, father and son
> and Einar, concerning their journey abroad and this his
> father had foretold him, that he would not be allowed to
> return to his native country (was this said earlier?)
> (and) neither (would) Einarr. (Z. aptrkvæmt, to be allowed
> to return (from exile))
> Now Hrani comes home to Helastaðir and says all to Helgi.
> what had been-spoken between them, father-and-son and
> Einarr about their journey-abroad and that his father had
> foretold for himself that he would not have
> permission-to-return (from exile) to his native-country
> nor indeed (would) Einarr.