From: rob13567
Message: 13417
Date: 2015-01-05
Þeir kváðust engi segja kunna önnur en þau að sá maður var einn kominn vestan úr Breiðafirði að svara kunni Tungu-Oddi "og var hans hljómur og rödd sem griðungur gelldi."
They said for themselves no one says to know other than they that the man was one (who had) come from the west out of Broad-firth and replies (that he) knew Tongue-Oddr "and his sound was also a voice like a roaring bull." (Or are they saying that they don't know the second of the two, but the one man....?)
Hún kvað það engi tíðindi þótt honum væri svarað sem öðrum manni en kvað þó það hafa gerst að tíðindum að eigi væri líklegra til.
She said that (was) no news, although he would be answered as the other man, and said yet it has become the news that would not be more likely.
"Var þar og bardagi," sögðu þeir, "og féllu fimm menn alls en margir urðu sárir."
"There was also a battle," they said, "and five men fell (dead), and many became wounded."
En áður gátu þeir þess að engu.
Previously they got that to nothing. (meaning "nothing came as a result of the fight"???)
Nú líður þingið og verður þar eigi til tíðinda.
The Thing now passes and there is nothing newsworthy (more literally "doesn't happen there (as) to events")
En er þeir mágar koma heim vestur skipta þeir bústöðum.
When they, the male-inlaws, came home westwards, they shared a dwelling place.
Fer Gunnar í Örnólfsdal en Hersteinn tekur Gunnarsstaði.
Gunnar travels to Örnólfsdal, and Therstein reaches harbor at Gunnarstad.
Eftir þetta lætur Gunnar færa til sín vestan við þann allan sem Örn austmaður hafði átt og flytja heim í Örnólfsdal.
After this, Gunnar causes to have brought to him from the west all that Orn, (the) Norwegian, had possessed and carries (it) home to Örnólfsdal.
Tekur hann til síðan og húsar upp bæinn í annað sinn því að Gunnar var allra manna hagastur.
He later on begins also (húsar?) up a farm a second time because Gunnar was of all men the most skillful.
Hann var og um allt atgervismaður og manna best vígur og hinn vaskasti í öllu.
He was also above all a men of great physical accomplishements and a man best able to fight and the most valiant of all.
14. kafli
Nú líða stundir fram allt til þess að menn ríða til þings.
Now a while passes from all to that, that men ride to the Thing.
Er nú mikill viðbúnaður í héruðunum.
There is now much dealing-with in the district. (Or possibly "many encounters")
Ríða nú hvorirtveggju ákafa fjölmennir.
Each of the two (parties) now rides rides impetuous followers.
Og er þeir Þórður gellir koma á Gunnarsstaði er Hersteinn sjúkur og má eigi fara til þings.
And when they, Thord "yeller" (and friends) arrive at Gunnarstad, Hersteinn is sick and cannot travel to the Thing.
Selur hann nú öðrum í hendur sakirnar.
He now makes over to the others the charges. (Z. selja 1, selja e-t í hendr e-m = to make over to one)
Eftir voru hjá honum þrír tigir manna.
Later 30 men were next to him.
Nú ríður Þórður til þings.
Thordr now rides to the Thing.
Hann safnar að sér vinum sínum og frændum og kemur snemma til þings.
He gathers to himself is friends and relatives and comes at once to the Thing.
En þingið var þá undir Ármannsfelli.
And the Thing was then under Armansfell.
Og svo sem flokkar koma hefir Þórður liðsdrátt mikinn.
And so as a body of men come, Thordr has great power.
Nú er sén ferð Tungu-Odds.
Now Tongue-Oddr's journey is seen.
Ríður Þórður þá í mót honum og vill eigi að hann nái þinghelginni.
Thordr rides then to meet him and doesn't want that he reach the boundaries of the public assembly.
Oddur ríður með þremur hundruðum manna.
Oddr is riding with three hundred men.
Þeir Þórður verja þingið og slær þá þegar í bardaga.
They, Thordr (and his band) defend the Thing (or "hold the Thing against (Oddr and his men)") and it came immediately to a fight.
Tekst brátt mannfall en allmargir urðu sárir.
A loss of life soon took place and very many became wounded.
Þar féllu sex menn af Oddi því Þórður var miklu fjölmennari.
Six of Oddr's men fell there, therefore (or should this be "because" even thouth there is no "at" to go with "því") Thordr was with very many people.