From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 13392
Date: 2014-10-04
> Hann gekk út er þeir komu í tún og fagnar þeim og býðurHe went outside when they came into the home field and
> allan greiða slíkan sem þeir vilja þegið hafa.
> He was going out when they came in the yard and he greets
> them and invites (them) for all the hospitality such as
> they would have accepted.
> He walked out when they came into (the) home-meadow and
> greets them and offers all entertainment such as they want
> to have received.
> Varla náðu þeir að stíga af baki, svo var bóndi beinn viðThey were hardly allowed to dismount, so hospitable was the
> þá.
> They scarcely were able to get off their horses, so the
> owner was hospitable then hospitalbe.
> Scarcely were they able to dismount (lit: step off (horse)
> back), (the) farmer was so hospitable towards them.
> Þorbjörn mælti: "Mikið er nú um beina þinn og væri mikiðÞorbjörn said: ‘We are pleased with your hospitality, and
> undir að þú efndir þetta allt vel er þú hefir heitið
> okkur."
> THorbjorn said: "It is much now concerning your
> hospitality and it were woth much much that you fullfil
> this all well when you have called us." (Z. undir I 4 --
> væri oss mikit u., at vér fengim liðsinni hans, it were
> worth much to us to get his help)
> Þorbjörn spoke: “(It) pleases (us) much (lit: (there) is
> much, see under um, Z9) now concerning your hospitality
> and (it) would-be worth much (lit: much would-be under
> (it), see undir, z4) that you would-prepare this
> completely well which you have promised us.”
> "Veit eg erindi þitt að féið mun hér skulu eftir vera og‘I know your errand, that the livestock are to be left here,
> skortir hér eigi jörð nóga og góða."
> "I know your mission the the property will be left here
> and sufficent and good land is not lacking here. (Z. vera
> 10 - vera eptir = to be left, remain)
> “I know your errand that the-cattle will here be required
> to (infinitive of skulu?) be after(stay behind) and
> is-lacking not here land enough and good.”
> Þorbjörn mælti: "Þiggja munum við það."Þorbjörn said: ‘We will accept that.’
> Thorbjorn said: "We will accept that."
> Þorbjörn spoke: “We will accept that.”
> Þá víkur hann Þorkatli hjá húsunum og mælti: "TíðindiThen he takes Þorkel near the houses and said: ‘There is
> mikil eru að segja."
> He then turns to Thorkatl beside the houses and said:
> "Great news is to be told." (I have got a big story for
> you to hear.)
> Then he moves to Þorkell by the farm-buildings (farmstead)
> and spoke: “Great tidings are to say (ie to speak of).”
> Þorkell spurði hver þau væru.Þorkel asked what it was.
> Thorkell asked what it would be.
> Þorkell asked what they (ie those tidings) were.
> "Blund-Ketill bóndi var brenndur inni í nótt," sagði‘Master Blund-Ketil was burned inside in the night,’ said
> Þorbjörn.
> "Farmer Blund-Ketill was burned inside during the night,"
> Thorbjorn said.
> “Farmer Blund (Dozy)-Ketill was burned inside tonight (ie
> last night),” said Þorbjörn.
> "Hverjir gerðu það níðingsverk?" sagði Þorkell.‘Who did that infamous deed?’ said Þorkel.
> "Who did this dastardly-dead?" said Thorkel.
> “Who (plural) did that villainy (lit: villain’s-deed)?”
> said Þorkell.
> Þorbjörn sagði þá allt sem farið hafði "og þarf HersteinnThen Þorbjörn told everything that had happened; ‘and now
> nú þinna heillaráða."
> Thorbjorn then said all as it had gone "and Hersteinn is
> now lacking your good advice."
> Þorbjörn said then everything that had gone (ie happened)
> “and Hersteinn now needs your good-advice.”
> Þorkell mælti: "Eigi þætti mér ráðið hvort eg mundi svoÞorkel said: ‘It would not have thought it certain whether I
> skjótt á boð brugðist hafa ef eg hefði þetta vitað fyrr.
> Thorkel said: "It didn't seem to me advised if I would so
> soon have failed at an offer if I had known this before.
> Þorkell spoke: “(It) would-seem to me not decided (ráða,
> z6) (ie it´s a moot point?) whether (hvárt) I would so
> speedily have revealed (my) offer (cf bregðast á beina við
> e-n) if I had known this before-hand.
> En mínum ráðum vil eg nú láta fram fara og förum nú tilBut I will now let my advice proceed, but let us go eat
> matar fyrst."
> But I will now have my advice go forward and we first go
> to food now."
> But (And) for my advice I want now to cause to go forward
> (proceed) and let-us-go now to food first (let´s have
> something to eat first).”
> Þeir játuðu því.They agreed to that.
> They agreed with that.
> They said-yes to that.
> Þorkell trefill var þá mjög fámálugur og nokkuð hugsi.Þorkel trefill was then very reticent and somewhat pensive.
> Thorkell "tatter" was then very reticent and thoughtful.
> Þorkell ‘Rag’ was then very reticent and somewhat
> meditative.
> Og er þeir voru mettir lætur hann taka hesta þeirra.And when they were full, he had their horses brought.
> And when they were full, he had their horses taken.
> And when they were sated (having eaten their fill) he
> causes to take their horses.
> Síðan taka þeir vopn sín og stíga á bak.Then they take their weapons and mount.
> He then takes their weapons and gets on the horse.
> After-that they take their weapons and mount (lit: step
> onto (horse) back).
> Ríður Þorkell fyrir þann dag og mælti áður að vel skyldiÞorkel rides ahead that day and said before (he left) that
> geyma fjárins í haganum en gefa vel því sem inni var.
> Thorkel rides before that day (before daylight?) and said
> previously that (someone) should well mind the livestock
> in the pasture and feed those well who were inside.
> Þorkell rides in front that day and spoke before (his
> departure) that (they) should well mind the cattle in the
> pasture but (and) feed (ie give fooder to, gefa, Z4) well
> those which were inside.
> Þeir ríða nú út á Skógarströnd á Gunnarsstaði.They now ride out to Skógarströnd, to Gunnarsstaðir.
> They now ride out to Forest-coast at Gunnarstown.
> They ride now out to Skógarströnd (Forest’s-Border
> (shore?) to Gunnarsstaðr (Gunnar’s-Place (Stead),
> Það er innarlega á ströndinni.That is far inward on the Strönd.
> It (Gunnarsstaði) is far inward on the beach.
> That is far-inward into the-border (shore?).
> Þar bjó sá maður er Gunnar hét og var Hlífarson, mikillThere lived the man who was called Gunnar and was Hlíf’s
> maður og sterkur og hinn mesti garpur.
> A man lived there who was named Gunnar and he was Hlifar's
> son, a large, strong man and the most dauntless.
> There lived that man who was-called Gunnar and (he) was
> Hlíf’s-son, a tall man and strong and the greatest
> man-of-boldness.
> Hann átti systur Þórðar gellis er Helga hét.He married Þórð gellir’s sister, who was called Helga.
> He married Thord's "Bellow" sister, who was named Helga.
> He had (in marriage) (the) sister of Þorðr ‘Roarer’ who
> was-called Helga.
> Gunnar átti tvær dætur.Gunnar had two daughters.
> Gunnar had two daughters.
> Gunnar had (not in marriage!) two daughters.
> Hét önnur Jófríður en önnur Þuríður.One was called Jófríð, and the other Þuríð.
> One was named Jofridur and the other Thuridur.
> (The) first was called Jófríðr but (and) the other Þuríðr.
> Þeir koma þar síð dags, stíga af baki fyrir ofan hús.They arrive there late in the day and dismount above the
> They arrived there late in the day, get off their horses
> down over the house.
> They come there late in (the) day, dismount (lit: step off
> (horse) back) above (the) house.
> Vindur var á norðan og heldur kalt.The wind was out of the north and rather cold.
> The wind blew from the north, and rather cold.
> The wind was (ie blew) from-(the)-north and (was) rather
> cold.
> Þorkell gengur að durum og klappar en húskarl gengur tilÞorkel walks to the doorway and knocks, and a servant goes
> hurðar og heilsar vel þeim sem kominn var og spyr hver
> hann væri.
> Thorkell goes to the door and knocks, and a house-servant
> goes to the door and greets them well as it had ("var" is
> singular, so it can't be referring to "them." Not sure
> what exactly it is referring to) and asks who he was.
> Þorkell walks to (the) door and knocks but (and) the
> house-carle (manservant) walks to (the) door and greets
> that-one (ie him, dat sg of sá) well who was (had) come
> and asks who he was.