Re: Haensna Thoris Saga 7 end + 8 part 1 -- Rob's Translation

From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 13375
Date: 2014-09-04

I’ll probably be out of touch for a week or so, but I’ll
catch up afterwards.

> Arngrímur mælti: "Letja vil eg þig enn Þorvaldur að þú
> takir við máli þessu en þú munt gera sem þér líkar.

> Arngrimr said: "I want to dissuade you yet Thorvaldr that
> you receive this case and you would do as it pleases you.

> Arngrímr spoke:  „I want to dissuade you nevertheless,
> Þorvaldr, that you accept (ie from accepting) this case,
> but you will do as pleases you.

Arngrím said: ‘I still want to dissuade you, Þorvald, from
taking on this case, but you will do as you like.

> Uggir mig að mikið hljótist af."

> I fear that much proceeded from."

> I fear that (impersonal constr, ugga, Z2) much
> would-result from (it) )(ie that the consequences would be
> great)

I fear that much will come of it.’

> Þorvaldur svarar: "Eigi mun eg neita fjárviðtökunni."

> Thorvaldr answers: "I will not refuse receipt of money."

> Þorvaldr answers: “I will not say-no to (the)
> receipt-of-money.”

Þorvald replies: ‘I will not refuse the receipt of money.’

> Nú handsalar Þórir honum fé sitt hálft og þar með málið á
> hendur Blund-Katli.

> Thorir now shakes hands on the deal with him (for) half
> his money and therewith the case against Blund-Ketl.

> Now Þórir hands-over-with-a-handshake half his money to
> him and there-with (ie along with it) the case against
> Blund (Dozy) Ketill.

Now Þóri makes over to him with a handshake half his wealth
and with it the case against Blund-Ketil.

> Arngrímur mælti þá enn: "Hversu ætlar þú með að fara máli
> þessu Þorvaldur?"

> Arngrimr then yet said: "How do you intend to manage this
> case, Thorvaldr?" (I am assuming that the "með" goes with
> "fara")

> Arngrímr spoke then still: “How do you intend to manage
> (lit: go with, fara með e-u, Z18) this case, Þorvaldr?”

Then Arngrím spoke again: ‘How do you intend to proceed with
this case, Þorvald?’

> "Eg mun fara fyrst á fund föður míns og hyggja þaðan að
> ráðum."

> "I will first go to meet my father and after that intend
> plans."

> “I will go first to a meeting of (ie to see) my father and
> to attend to (the) counsels there-from (ie arising from
> that).”

‘I will go first to meet my father and pay attention to the
advice there.’

> Þórir mælti: "Eigi hugnar mér það.

> Thorir said: "That doesn't please me.

> Þórir spoke: “That pleases me not.

Þóri said: ‘That does not please me.

> Vil eg eigi hinkur.

> I don't want any delay.

> I want not shilly-shallying.

I want no delay.

> Hefi eg mikið til unnið og vil eg þegar á morgun láta fara
> og stefna Blund-Katli."

> I don't have much to do (?), and I want at once tomorrow
> to cause to go and summon Blund-Ketl."

> I have laboured (pp of vinna til e-s) much towards (it)
> and I want tomorrow to cause to go and summon Blund (Dozy)
> Ketill.”

I’ve staked much, and I want to have Blund-Ketil summonsed
first thing tomorrow.’

> Þorvaldur svarar: "Þetta mun vera reyndar að þú munt vera
> engi gæfumaður og illt mun af þér hljótast.

> Thorvaldr answers: "This will be indeed that you would no
> lucky man and and it will result poorly to you.

> Þorvaldr answers: “This will be proven (pp of reyna) that
> you will be no lucky-man and (it) will result (turn out)
> badly for you.

Þorvald answers: ‘This must indeed be, that you must be no
lucky man, and ill will come from you.

Note that it’s <af þér>, with the preposition <af>: the evil
will come *from* Þóri.

> En svo mun nú vera verða."

> And do it will now come to pass."

> But so will (it) now happen to be.”

But so shall it now be.’

> Og binda þeir Þórir að hittast í ákveðnum stað um
> morguninn.

> And they, Thorir (and Arngrimr) bound that they would meet
> in the appointed town in the morning.

> And they, Þórir (and Þorvaldr) engage (present tense) to
> meet-one-another at an appointed place next-morning.

And Þóri and Þorvald agree to meet at an appointed place in
the morning.

> Þegar snemma um morguninn ríður Þorvaldur og Arngrímur með
> honum með þrjá tigu manna.

> At once first thing in the morning, Thorvald rides, and
> Arngrimr with him with 29 men.

> Immediately first-thing next morning Þorvaldr rides and
> Arngrímr with him with thirty (three tens of) men.

First thing in the morning Þorvald rides, and Arngrím with
him with thirty men.

Rob: Note that it’s <með þrjá tigu manna> 'with 30 men', not
<með þrítutunga manna> 'with the 30th man', i.e., 'with 29

> Hitta þeir Þóri og var hann við þriðja mann.

> They meet Thori and he was with two men.

> They meet Þórir and he was with (the) third man (ie with
> two others - in a very deep gully (which is where the
> third man usually stands J)

They meet Þóri, and he was with two men.

(But he might have been a short third man, in which case
he’d only be in a deep gully. :-))

> Þar var Helgi Arngrímsson og Víðfari frændi Þóris.

> There was Helgi Arnfrimson and Thoris' relative Vidfar.

> There was Helgi Arngrímr’s-son and Víðfari
> (Wide-Traveller) kinsman of Þórir.

Helgi Arngrímsson and Víðfari, Þóri’s kinsman, were there.

> Þorvaldur mælti: "Hví ertu svo fámennur Þórir?"

> Thorvaldr said: "Why are you so few in number, Thorir?"

> Þorvaldr spoke: “Why are-you (note: 2nd person sg) so
> accompanied-by-few-men (people), Þórir?”

Þorvald said: ‘Why have you so few men, Þóri?’

> Hann svarar: "Eg vissi að þig mundi eigi lið skorta."

> He answers: "I knew that you would not be lacking troops."

> He answers: “I knew that you would not be in want (e-n
> skortir e-t) of troops.”

He replies: ‘I knew that you would not be lacking in

> Þeir ríða nú upp eftir Hlíðinni.

> They now ride up along along Hlidinn.

> They ride now up along Hlíðin (The Side).

They ride now up along Hlíðin.

> Mannferðin var sén af bæjunum og hleypir hver af sínum bæ.

> The passage was seen from the farms and each runs from his
> farm.

> The-passing-of-people was seen from the farms and each
> (person) runs from his-own farm.

The passage of people was seen from the farms, and each runs
from his farm.

> Þykist sá best hafa er fyrst kemur til Blund- Ketils og er
> þar mart manna fyrir.

> It was thought the best has who first comes to
> Blund-Ketill and there is many a man because of (that).

> That-one (ie he) bethinks-himself to behave (do, hafa,
> Z10) best who first comes to Blund (Dozy) Ketill and many
> a person (lit: many of men (people) are there before
> (Þorvaldr and co?).

He thought to do best who first comes to Blund-Ketil’s, and
there was many a person there already.

> Þeir Þorvaldur ríða að garði og stíga þar af hestum sínum
> og ganga heim að bænum.

> They, Thorvaldr (and the others), ride to the fence and
> get off their horses there and go home to the farms.

> They Þorvaldr (and co) ride to yard and step there off
> their horses (ie dismount) and walk “home” to (the)
> farmstead.

Þorvald and his companions ride to the farmyard and dismount
from their horses and walk to the farmhouse.

> Þegar Blund-Ketill sér þetta gengur hann móti þeim og
> býður þeim þar að þiggja allan greiða.

> Blund-Ketill at once sees this, he goes to meet them and
> invites them there to receive all accomodations.

> As-soon-as Blund (Dozy) Ketill sees this he walks towards
> them and invites them there to accept all entertainment
> (greiði, Z2?)

As soon as Blund-Ketil sees this, he walks towards them and
offers them every hospitality.

> Þorvaldur mælti: "Annað er erindi hingað en eta mat.

> Thorvaldr said: "(Our) business here is other than eating
> food.

> Þorvaldr spoke: “(The) errand here is other than to eat
> food.

Þorvald said: ‘Our business hither is other than to eat

> Eg vil vita hverju þú vilt svara fyrir mál það er þú tókst
> upp hey Þóris."

> I want to know what you would answer for that case when
> you picked up Thoris' hay."

> I want to know how you want to be-answerable for that case
> when (or that) you took up (ie seized) Þórir’s hay.”

I want to know how you will answer for the matter that you
seized Þóri’s hay.’

> Blund-Ketill svarar: "Slíku þér sem honum.

> Blund-Ketill answers: "You are such as he. (meaning "You
> are just like him"?)

> Blund (Dozy) Ketill answers: “(I will answer) such (ie
> similar) to you as to him.

Blund-Ketil replies: ‘The same to you as to him.

> Ger einn fyrir svo mikið sem þér líkar og þó skal eg gefa
> þér gjafir ofan á, því betri og meiri sem þú ert meira
> verður en Þórir, og svo mikinn skal eg þinn sóma gera að
> það sé allra manna mál að þú sért vel sæmdur af."

> Make one for so much as you like and yet I shall give you
> gifts besides, the better and more as you are more worthy
> than Thorir, and I shall do you so much honor that would
> be of all men's talk that you would be well honored from (it)."

> Arbitrate alone for (it) as much as pleases you and yet I
> shall give you gifts into-the bargain (see ofan á, Z4),
> the (því + compar, Z5) better and greater (in number) as
> you are more worthy than Þórir, and I shall make your
> honour so great that that would-be (the) talk of all
> persons (men) that you are well honoured from (it).”

Pay it forth, as much as you like, and still I shall give
you gifts besides, the better and more as you are worth more
than Þóri, and so great shall I make your honor that it be
every man’s talk that you are well honored thereby.’


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