Og við umtölur Snorra og það með að hann sá að hann mælti satt þá sefaðist Þorkell en Gunnari var í brott fylgt um kveldið.
--And with conversation (dat n.) (of) Snorra and that with to he (nom) saw (see: sjá) at (looked at) hann (acc.) speak true them (pl. mas. acc.) appease (sefa refx) Thorkell (acc.), but Gunnar (dat.) was in away accompany (fylgja ppart) around evening (n. acc.)
--To speak of Snorra, who saw Thorkell speaking the truth to Gunnar, who was away accompanying him on this evening.
Veisla fór þar vel fram og skörulega.
--Veisla (nom) traveled (fera-3rd past) there well forward and nobly.
--Veisla went on well and nobly.
Og er boði var lokið búast menn í brott.
--and when offered? (ppart bjóða) was locked? making himself ready (búa-make/build refex.) men (pl. acc.) in away/breit.
--and when he was offered lokið he made men ready for going away.
Þorkell gaf Snorra allfémiklar gjafir og svo öllum virðingamönnum.
--Thorkell gave (gefa 3rd past) Snorra great monetary (fé-mikla?) gifts (nom.?) and so/such all (dat.) human value (dat. m.)
--Who gave whom what? cases don't match logic.
Snorri bauð heim Bolla Bollasyni og bað hann vera með sér öllum þeim stundum er honum þætti það betra.
--Snorri offered (bjóða) home, Bolla, the sons of Bolla and asked (biðja 3rd. past) him (acc.) to be (infinitive) with him (dat. reflex) all of them (dat.) a length of time (dat.) when to him (dat.) factors that make better.
--Snorri offered to take Bolla and his sons home and asked him to be with him, all of them, a moment, it would make things better.
Bolli þiggur það og ríður heim í Tungu.
to Bolla (dat.) received (þiggja gr. ?) that and rode (riða) home to Tungu.
--Bolla received that and rode home to Tungu.