From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 12787
Date: 2013-04-17
> Hann var margeygur furðulega og hafði færilegan hest.Or perhaps was shifty-eyed in the negative sense.
> He was very many-eyed (at least that's what Z. says, but
> it doesn't make sense to me) and had a strong horse.
> He was exceedingly many-eyed and had a strong horse.
> He was exceedingly many-eyed (ie had eyes that darted
> everywhere) and had a strong horse.
> Hefi eg nafn Víga-Hrapps og það með nafni að eg er engiNot so much 'gentleman' as 'gentle man, easy-going man, man
> dældarmaður þó að eg sé lítill vexti.
> I have (the) name Viga-Hraps and that with (the) name that
> I am not a gentle man although I am little grown (i.e.,
> not fully grown).
> I have the name Slayer Hrapp and with that name that I am
> not a gentleman even though I am not tall.
> I have (the) name Slayer-Hrappr and (have) that with (the)
> name that I am no gentleman even though I be small in
> stature.
> En eg er sunnlenskur að föðurkyni.At Rob: I'm pretty sure that he's just saying that his
> An I am German on my father's side.
> But I am a southerner on my father’s side.
> But I am from-the-south by (my) fathers-kin.
> Hafði eg af honum viðfarar ekki góðar en eg hefi það af'Little or nothing has come of it' can be interpreted in two
> nafni að eg vil ekki sitja mönnum slíkar hneisur og veitti
> eg honum tilræði en þó get eg að annaðhvort hafi tekið
> lítt eða ekki.
> I didn't have from him good treatment, and I have that of
> namesake that I don't want to put up with men such a
> disgrace, and I offered to him a discussion and yet I get
> that either have taken little or nothing.
> I did not have good treatment from him and I have it by
> name that I will not put up with such disgrace and I
> assaulted him but still I guess that either little or
> nothing came of it.
> I had not from him good-treatment but I have that from
> (my) name that I will not submit to such disgrace from
> persons (men) and I assaulted him (lit: made an assault on
> him, veita, Z7) but nevertheless I guess (geta, Z.ii) that
> either (it) has been-equivalent-to (taka, Z6) little or
> nothing (ie little or nothing has come of it).
> En litla stund var eg þar til raunar síðan því að egI wonder if <þóttist hirður> is actually for <þóttist verða
> þóttist hirður þegar eg kom á bak hesti þessum er eg tók
> frá bónda."
> But I was there a little while for a test since because it
> seemed to me to conceal at once I came on these horses
> which I took from the master."
> But a little while I was there to prove (it) afterwards
> because I thought myself ?? as soon as I mounted this
> horse which I took from (my) farmer.”
> But a short time I was there for proof after-that because
> I bethought-myself safe (lit: herded, concealed, hidden,
> hirða, Z4, past part) immediately I mounted (lit: stepped
> on to (the) back of) this horse which I took (stole) from
> (my) master (= húsbondi).
> Sýnist mér svo sem þetta séu konur einar."I suspect that <konur einar> here is 'women only',
> It seemed to as this would be a lone woman."
> It seems to me as though those are some women.”
> (It) seems to me so that this (lot) are only (J) women.