From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 12729
Date: 2013-03-06
> Fer það saman að þú ert sakbitinn í meira lagi fyrir þvíI like <sakbitinn>: 'offense-bitten, charge-bitten'.
> að þú eggjaðir mjög að Bolli væri drepinn.
> It ends the same that you are rather guilty for that, that
> you much egged (people) on that Bolli would be killed. (Z.
> lag 9 - í meira lagi, considerably, rather)
> It goes together that you are guilty in many ways for it
> that you urged much that Bolli be killed.
> That goes together (ie it follows) that you are guilty in
> greater degree (see lag, Z9) because you urged much that
> Bolli should-be killed.
> Lambi spurði hvers beitt mundi vera.'Lambi asked what would be requested': the genitive simply
> Lambi asked who would be (beitt? hunted?).
> Lambi asked how this would affect (him)?
> Lambi asked of what (it) would be requested (beiða) (what
> was being asked of him).
> Lambi segir: "Illt þykir mér friðkaup í þessu ogI think that <illt> here is 'evil, bad', not 'difficult': he
> ódrengilegt.
> Lambi says: "It seems to me a poor purchase of peace in
> this and un-noble.
> Lambi says, “A purchase of peace in this (way) seems bad
> to me and unmanly.
> Lambi says: (The) purchase-of-peace seems to me difficult
> (ie too highly priced) in this and unworthy-of-a-man.
> Megum vér ekki annað ætla en leysast af nokkuru eftir slíkEmphasis on <nokkuru>, I think, as opposed to 'completely'.
> stórvirki.
> We cannot intend another to absent himself from some after
> such great achievements.
> We may not expect otherwise, but get one’s self clear (Z
> leysa) somewhat after such serious deeds.
> We can-not expect other than to get-ourselves-clear (see
> leysast, Z12) somewhat (to some extent) after such
> great-deeds.
> Þykir mér og sem svo verði flestum gefið að allt láti'I also think that most would be so disposed [as] to give up
> fjörvi fyrri.
> It seems to me also as so most would become given that all
> lose life first.
> (it) seems to me also as though to most it would be given
> that all give up life before.??
> (It) seems to me also that (it) would-be so given for (ie
> the choice of) most (people) that (they) should-forsake
> all before (forsaking) life. (?)
> Verður því vandræði fyrst að hrinda er bráðast kemur aðWhich is a bloody long-winded way to say 'First things
> höndum."
> It becomes that difficulty first to push who most hastily
> happen."
> It is firstly difficult to push what comes soonest to
> hand.”
> (One) must (verða + inf) therefore first cast-off (hrinda,
> Z2) troubles which most-suddenly (soonest) come to hand.
> Lambi mælti: "Auðheyrt er það hvers þú fýsir Þorsteinn.I'd say simply 'which you urge': the ON assignment of
> Lambi said: "It is clear from what you said who you urge
> Thorsteinn.
> Lambi spoke, “It is easy to hear how you urge Thorstein.
> Lambi spoke:That is easily-heard (clear) of which you
> urge, Þorsteinn.
> Ætla eg það vel fallið að þú ráðir þessu ef þér sýnist svoAlthough it's not clear from the definition of
> einsætt því að lengi höfum við átt vandræðafélag mikið
> saman.
> I intend that quite right that you decide this if it seems
> to you so clear because we have long had to deal with much
> the same troublesome fellowship.
> I expect it well done that you advise this if it seems to
> you so clear because long have we had much troublesome
> fellowship together.
> I think that well suited that you should-have your-own-way
> in this if it seems to you so unquestioningly-settled (ie
> the only thing to be done) because for-a-long-time we have
> had a mighty troubled fellowship together.
> Réðst nú þetta að þeir Þorsteinn og Lambi skulu ráðast meðI don't think that it's possible to be certain about <þriðja
> Þorgísli til ferðar, kváðu á með sér að þeir skyldu koma
> þriðja dag snemma í Tungu í Hörðadal.
> This was now settled that they, Thorsteinn and Labmi,
> should resolve with Thorgils as to the trip, determined
> with him that they should come early on the third day to
> Tongue in Hordadale.
> This was now settled that they, Thorstein and Lambi,
> should join with Thorgils on the journey, agreed among
> themselves that they should come three days early to
> Tongue in Hordadal.
> This now was-resolved that they, Þorsteinn and Lambi,
> shall undertake (the) expedition with Þorgils, determined
> on between them that they should come on (the) third day
> (Tuesday or three days hence?) early to Tunga in
> Hörðadalr.