From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 12658
Date: 2013-01-10
> Geirríður húsfreyja í Mávahlíð sendi þau orð inn á BólstaðGeirríð, mistress at Mávahlíð, sent these words in to
> að hún var þess vís orðin að Oddur Kötluson hafi höggið
> höndina af Auði, kallaðist hafa til þess orð hennar
> sjálfrar og svo kvað hún Odd hafa því hælst fyrir vinum
> sínum.
> Housewife Geirridur in Mavahlid sent them word in to
> Bolstad that she had become that certain that Oddur
> Kotluson had hacked off Aud's hand, said for herself to
> have to the report of herself and she so told Odd has
> therefore boasted before his friends.
> Mistress Gerrid in Mavahlid sent those words in to Bolstad
> that she had become certain that Odd Katla’s son had
> struck the hand off Aud, said of herself to have these
> words from (Aud) herself and also she said Odd to have
> boasted of it before his friends. (Also put it on
> youtube.)
> Og er þeir Þórarinn og Arnkell heyrðu þetta riðu þeirAnd when Þórarin and Arnkel heard that, they rode from home
> heiman við tólfta mann út til Mávahlíðar og voru þar um
> nótt.
> And when they, Thorarinn and Arnkel, heard this, they rode
> from home with 10 others out to Mavahlidar and stayed
> there during the night.
> And when they, Thorarinn and Arnkell, heard this they rode
> from home (a band of) twelve men out to Mavahlid and
> stayed there during the night.
> En um morguninn riðu þeir út í Holt og er sén ferð þeirraAnd in the morning they rode out to Holt, and their journey
> úr Holti.
> And during the morning, they rode out to Hold and their
> journey is seen out of Holt.
> And during the morning they rode out to Holt and their
> journey is seen (by those) from Holt.
> Þar var eigi karla fyrir fleira en Oddur.No man was present there but Odd.
> There, (there) was no men beyond Oddur.
> Katla sat á palli og spann garn.Katla sat on [the] dais and spun yarn.
> Katla sat on a step and spun yarn.
> Katla sat on a dais and spun yarn.
> Hún bað Odd sitja hjá sér "og ver hljóður og kyrr."She bade Odd sit beside her – ‘and be silent and still.’
> She asked Oddur (to) sit beside her "and be silent and
> quiet."
> She bade Odd to sit near her and “be silent and quiet.”
> Hún bað konur sitja í rúmum sínum "og verið hljóðar," kvaðShe asked women to sit in their places – ‘and be silent,’
> hún, "en eg mun hafa orð fyrir oss."
> She asked (the) women (to) sit in their seats "and be
> quiet," she said, "and I will have a message for us."
> She bade (the) women to sit in their room "and be silent"
> said she, "but I will speak for us."
> Og er þeir Arnkell komu gengu þeir inn þegar og er þeirAnd when Arnkel and his companions arrived, they at once
> komu í stofu heilsaði Katla Arnkatli og spurði að
> tíðindum.
> And when they, Arnkell (et al), came, they went in at once
> and when they came to (the) sitting room, Katla greeted
> Arnkell and asked for news (asked what's happening).
> And when they, Arnkell (and co.) came, they went in at
> once and when they came into the room, Katla greeted
> Arnkell and asked the news.
> Arnkell kvaðst engi segja og spyr hvar Oddur sé.Arnkel said that he (had) none to tell and asks where Odd
> Arnkell said for himself (to) say nothing and asks where
> Oddur is.
> Arnkell said (there was) nothing to tell and asks where
> Odd was.
> Katla kvað hann farinn suður til Breiðavíkur "og mundiKatla said that he (had) gone south to Breiðavík – ‘and he
> hann eigi forðast fund þinn ef hann væri heima því að vér
> treystum þér vel um drengskapinn."
> Katla said he (had) gone south to Breidavikur "and he
> would not avoid meeting you if he were at home because we
> trust you well concerning high-mindedness."
> Katla said he (was) gone south to Breidavik “and he would
> not avoid a meeting with you if he were at home because we
> trust you well regarding high mindedness.”
> "Vera má það," segir Arnkell, "en rannsaka viljum vér‘That may be,’ says Arnkell, ‘but we want to ransack here.’
> hér."
> "That can (may) be," says Arnkell, "but we wanted to
> search here."
> “That may be,” says Arnkell, “but we will ransack here.”
> "Það skal sem yður líkar," segir Katla og bað matselju‘That shall (be) as you like,’ says Katla, and asked (the)
> bera ljós fyrir þeim og lúka upp búri "það eitt er hús
> læst á bænum."
> "That shall (you do) as you like," says Katla and asked a
> housekeeper to carry a light before them and open up the
> pantry "that one which (the) house locked at farms." (?)
> “That shall (be) as you please,” says Katla and bade a
> housekeeper carry a light before them and unlock a
> storehouse. “It alone is a locked house on the farm.”
> Þeir sáu að Katla spann garn af rokki.They saw that Katla spun yarn on a distaff.
> They saw that Katla spun yarn from a distaff.
> They saw that Katla spun yarn from a distaff.
> Nú leita þeir um húsin og finna eigi Odd og fóru brottNow they search all over the house and do not find Odd, and
> eftir það.
> Now they examine the houses and don't find Oddr and go
> away after that.
> Now they search around the house and don’t find Odd and
> went away after that.
> Og er þeir komu skammt frá garðinum nam Arnkell staðar ogAnd when they came close to the farm enclosure, Arnkel
> mælti: "Hvort mun Katla eigi hafa héðni veift um höfuð
> oss?
> And when they came a short distance from the yard, Arnkell
> stopped and said: "Will Katla not have pulled the wool
> over our eyes? (Z. staðr 1 - nema stað or staðar, to stop)
> (CV HÉÐINN I - veifa héðni at höfði e-m, to wrap a skin
> round one's head, to hoodwink one)
> And when they came a short way from the yard, Arnkell
> stopped and spoke, “Will Katla not have hoodwinked us?”
> (The field strength of this spell diminishes over
> distance.)
> Og hefir þar verið Oddur sonur hennar er oss sýndistAnd Odd have been there, appearing to us as the distaff?’
> rokkurinn."
> And hasn't her son Oddr been there where the distaff
> appeared to us."
> "Eigi er hún ólíkleg til," segir Þórarinn, "og förum‘She is not unlikely to (have done so),’ says Þórarin, ‘and
> aftur."
> "She is not unlikely to (have done so)," says Thorarinn,
> "and back we go."
> “She is not unlikely to (have),” says Thorarinn “and lets
> us go back.”
> Þeir gerðu svo.They did so.
> They did so.
> They do so.
> Og er sást úr Holti að þeir hurfu aftur, þá mælti KatlaAnd when it was seen from Holt that they (had) turned back,
> við konur: "enn skuluð þér sitja í rúmum yðrum en við
> Oddur munum fram ganga."
> And when it was seen from Holti that they turned back,
> then Katla spoke to a woman: "you should still sit in your
> rooms, but with Oddr will step forward."
> And it was seen (by folks) in Holt that they turned back,
> then Katla spoke with (her) women, “You shall still sit in
> your room but we, (myself) and Odd will go forward.”
> En er þau koma fram um dyr gekk hún í öndina gegntBut when they appeared at (the) doorway, she went into the
> útidyrum og kembir þar Oddi syni sínum og sker hár hans.
> And when they appeared at (the) doorway, she went in the
> (breath? duck? ??) along the outerdoors and there combs
> her son Oddur and cuts his hair.