Re: Eyrbyggja Saga 19 Part 4 -- Rob's Translation

From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 12635
Date: 2012-12-26

> Vermundur mælti: "Brátt þykir mér sem þér hafið við ást."

> Vermundr said: "It soon seems to me you are a match for
> love." (??) (Z. hafa 14 - h. við e-m, to be a match for
> one)

> Vermund spoke, “(It) seems to me you have quickly been a
> match (for them).”

Vermund said: ‘It seems to me that you have dealt with one
another quickly.’

<Ást> is the past participle of the sk-form (middle voice)
of <eiga>, not the 'love, affection' word. This is
confirmed by the spelling <áz> in Gering's edition.

> Þórarinn kvað:
> Thorarinn answered:
> Thorarinn said:

Þórarin spoke:

> Knáttu hjálmi hættar
> Helmets do risk
> They could by my helmet and shield

> hjaldrs á mínum skjaldi
> battle's to my shield
> of danger of battle

> Þrúðar vangs hins þunga
> Thrudar's cheek the most oppressive
> load of the field of the Thing

> þings spámeyjar singva
> The assembly's prophecy (?) rings
> maidens of Thor’s daughter (Þrúðar?), who foretell ??

> þá er bjúgröðull bógar
> When bent-(öðull?) shoulder
> then where bowed sun, shoulder

> baugs fyr óðaldraugi,
> ring's for ancestry-spirit,
> of a ring for ancestral spirits

> Gjöll óx vopns á völlum,
> Gjoll grew weapon's to field,
> Din of weapons grew on the fields

> varð blóðdrifinn Fróða.
> Froda became blood-sprayed.
> became swept with blood by Frodi?

Knǭttu hjalmi hættar
hjaldrs á mínum skjaldi
Þrúðar vangs ins þunga
þings spámeyjar singva:
þás bjúgröðull bóga
baugs fyr óðaldraugi
(Gjöll óx vápns á völlum)
varð blóðdrifinn Fróða.

Dangerous to helm could
on my shield battle’s
Þrúðr’s field’s heavy
assembly’s spae-maidens sing:
when bows’ bent-sun
before ring’s hereditarily possessing dry stem
(weapon’s Gjöll waxed on fields)
was blood-driven, Fróði’s.

Gering's prose rearrangement:

Spámeyjar ins þunga hjaldrs-Þrúðar-vangs-þings, hættar
hjalmi, knǭttu singva [= syngva = old form of singja] á
mínum skjaldi, þá es Fróða bóga bjúgröðull varð
blóðdrifinn fyr óðaldraugi baugs – vápns Gjöll óx á

Spae-maidens of the heavy assembly of battle’s Þrúð’s
[Þrúðr is a valkyrie, hence ‘battle-goddess’] field [=
battlefield; the assembly is the fight itself, and the
spae-maidens are arrows, which, like a prophetess, sing],
dangerous to helm, could sing on my shield, when Fróði’s
[a sea-king] (ship-)bows’ bent-sun [= round sun; the whole
= shield] was blood-driven before ring’s hereditarily
possessing dry stem [= man = the speaker] – weapon’s Gjöll
[a river, hence blood] waxed on (the) fields.

Arrows, dangerous to helm, could sing on my shield when
the shield was blood-driven before me - blood waxed on the

> Vermundur mælti: "Hvort vissu þeir nú hvort þú varst
> karlmaður eða kona?"

> Vermundr said: "Did they know whether you were a man or a
> woman?"

> Vermund spoke, “Did they know now whether you were a man
> or a woman?”

Vermund said: ‘Did they know now whether you are a man or a

> Þórarinn kvað:
> Thorarinn said:
> Thorarinn spoke:

Þórarin spoke:

> Reka þóttumk eg, Rakna,
> I myself do, Rakna,
> I was thought to drive, lessening

> remmiskóðs við Móða,
> (remmiskóðs?) with Moda,
> powerful weapons with weariness??

> kunnfáka hné kennir,
> know-horse sank recognizes,
> ?? known fell dead

> klámorð af mér borða,
> serve of me filthy-words
> (those who?) served up to me filthy words

> hvatki er Hildar götva,
> Whatsoever Hildar buries,
> each thing is for Hilda (one of the Valkyries) to bury

> hrafn sleit af ná beitu,
> a raven broke off gets bait,
> a raven tore off nearby, they bite

> síks við sína leiku
> ditch's with his toy
> such with their play

> sælingr um það mælir.
> A wealthy man concerning that measure.
> a wealthy man speaks about it.

Reka þóttumk ek (Rakna)
remmiskóðs við Móða
(kunnfáka hné kennir)
klámorð af mér borða:
hvatki ’s (Hildar gotna
hrafn sleit af nai [nái] beitu
síks) við sína leiku
sælingr of þat mælir.

I thought to avenge (Rakni’s)
on Móði of mighty scathe
(famed horse’s knower fell dead)
of boards, [avenge] myself for libels:
whatsoever (of men of Hild’s
[raven tore bait from the corpses]
salmon) to his plaything
the rich man says of that.

Ek þóttumk reka af mér klámorð við borða remmiskóðs Móða –
kennir Rakna kunnfáka hné; hvatki es sælingr mælir of þat
við sína leiku, hrafn sleit beitu af nai [nái] Hildar síks

I thought to avenge myself for libels [‘filthy words’] on
Móði [a son of Þór, hence simply ‘a god’] of boards’ [=
shields’] mighty scathe [= sword; the god of the sword is
a warrior, here Þorbjörn] – (the) knower of Rakni’s [a
sea-king] known-horse [famed-horse?; = ship, and the
knower is Þorbjörn] fell dead; whatsoever (the) wealthy
man [= Snorri] says of that to his plaything/doll, (the)
raven tore bait from (the) corpses of Hild’s [a valkyrie]
salmon’s [= spear] men [= warriors].

I thought to avenge myself on the warrior [= Þorbjörn] for
libels - Þorbjörn fell dead; whatsoever the wealth man [=
Snorri] says of that to his mistress/wife, the raven tore
bait from the corpses of warriors.


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