From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 12572
Date: 2012-11-10
> Smalamaður Bolla fór að fé snemma um morguninn uppi í<hlíð> 'mountainside, slope', not <hlið> 'gate'.
> hlíðinni.
> Bolli's shepherd went to (the) sheep early in the morning
> up in the mountainside.
> Bolli’s shepherd went to (the) livestock early during the
> morning up to the gate.
> Hann grunar að þetta muni eigi vera friðmenn er svoRob: <friðmaðr> 'peaceful person, friend', from <friðr>
> leynilega fóru.
> He suspects that this will not be freemen who travelled
> somewhat secretly.
> He guesses that these will not be friends who go so
> secretly.
> Hann stefnir þegar heim hið gegnsta til selsins og ætlarHe at once heads home to the shieling by the shortest way
> að segja Bolla komu manna.
> He at once heads (Z. has "to go in a certain direction")
> straight home to the shed and intends to tell Boll's men
> to come. (Z. gegn 3 - irect, straight (hinn gegnsta veg))
> He heads at once home, the closest to the sheiling and
> intends to tell Bolli of the men’s arrival.
> Hann sér að maðurinn hleypur ofan úr hlíðinni og stefndiHe sees that the man runs down from the mountainside and
> til selsins.
> He sees that the man makes a run, down from the
> mountain-slope and going toward the shed.
> He sees that the man leaps from below out of the gate and
> headed for the sheiling.
> Skulum vér nú gera í móti honum og láta hann engri njósnIt's not clear to me whether <gera í móti honum> here is
> koma til selsins."
> We will now act against him and let him come to anybody
> with news to the shed."
> We shall now attack him and let him bring no news to the
> sheiling.”
> Þeir gerðu sem hann mælti fyrir.They did what he prescribed.
> They did what as they had previously spoken.
> They did as he had said before.
> Án hrísmagi varð þeirra skjótastur og getur fariðÁn hrísmagi was [the] swiftest of them and was able to
> sveininn, tekur hann upp og keyrir niður.
> An brushwood-belly became of them the fastest and was able
> to go to the boy, takes him up and flings (him) down.
> An brushwood belly was the swiftest of them and gets the
> boy (who had) departed??, takes him up and flings (him)
> down.
> Síðan riðu þeir að selinu.Past tense: rode
> Then they ride to the hut.
> Then they ride to the sheiling.
> Selin voru tvö, svefnsel og búr.There were two shielings/sheds [‘the shielings were two’], a
> The shed was two: a sleeping shed and a storehouse.
> The sheiling consisted of two (buildings), sleeping shed
> and storehouse.
> Heyrðu þau og er þeir ræddu um hver fyrstur skyldi innRob: <þau> is Bolli and Guðrún, <þeir> is Halldór & Co.
> ganga í selið að Bolla.
> They heard and they discussed concerning who first should
> go in to the hut to Bolli.
> They heard also when they discussed who should first
> attack Bolli inside into the sheiling.
> Bolli kenndi mál Halldórs og fleiri þeirra förunauta.Bolli recognized [the] voice of Halldór and more of his
> Bolli recognized Halldor's voice and many of the
> companions.
> Bolli recognized Halldor’s voice and more of those
> comrades.
> Bolli mælti við Guðrúnu og bað hana ganga úr selinu íBolli spoke to Guðrún and asked her to go away from the
> brott og segir að sá einn mundi fundur þeirra verða er
> henni mundi ekki gaman að verða.
> Bolli spoke to Gudrun and asked her to go out of the hut
> away and says that that alone would a meeting they happen
> which to her would not became a game. (??)
> Bolli spoke with Gudrun and bade her go away out of the
> sheiling and says that only would their meeting be what to
> her would not be a game.
> Guðrún kvaðst hyggja að þau ein tíðindi mundu þar verða aðGuðrún said that she thought that only events would occur
> hún mundi sjá mega og kvað Bolla ekki mundu mein að sér
> þótt hún væri nær honum stödd.
> Gudrun said for herself to think that they alone news
> would there happen that she would be able to see and told
> Bolli harm would not to him although she would be present
> near him. (??)
> Gudrun said she thought that they only (brought?) tidings
> would be there that she would be able to see and told
> Bolli (they) would not harm them if she were standing near
> him.
> Bolli kvaðst þessu ráða vilja og svo var að Guðrún gekk útBolli said that he would have his way, and so [it] was that
> úr selinu.
> Bolli stated for himself (he) would agree and so it was
> that Gudrun went out from the hut.
> Bollis said he wanted to decide and so it was that Gudrun
> went out, out of the sheiling.
> Hún gekk ofan fyrir brekkuna til lækjar þess er þar féllShe went down over the slope to the brook that flowed there
> og tók að þvo léreft sín.
> She went down over the slope to the brook which flowed
> there and yet took her linen. (??)
> She went down over the slope to this brook which fell
> there and took her linen to wash.
> Þeir Halldór ræða nú um með sér hversu að skal orka því aðNow Halldór and his companions discuss amongst themselves
> engi var fús að ganga inn í selið.
> They, Halldor (et al), discuss among themselves how (they)
> shall be able to do that that no one was eager to go in
> the hut.
> They, Halldor (and co.), discuss now among themselves how
> it shall be possible because no one was willing to go into
> the sheiling.