Eyrbyggja Saga 10 end + 11 part 1 - Rob's Translation

From: rob13567
Message: 12464
Date: 2012-08-17

Þórður hafði það upphaf gerðarinnar að hann kallar að sá skal hafa happ er hlotið hefir, kvað þar engi víg bæta skulu þau er orðið höfðu á Þórsnesi eða áverka, en völlinn kallar hann spilltan af heiftarblóði er niður hafði komið og kallar þá jörð nú eigi helgari en aðra og kallar þá því valda er fyrri gerðust til áverka við aðra.
Thordr had that honor of the arbitrations that he calls that so shall have good luck which has suffered, stated there no battle should they which had happened at Thor's-ness or bodily injury, which the field he calls spoiled of blood-hatred which had come down and then calls the earth not holier than other (earth) then that causes which formerly happened to bodily-injury with others. (??)

Kallaði hann það eitt friðbrot verið hafa, sagði þar og eigi þing skyldu vera síðan.
He said that: (there) has been a breach of peace, said there also (there) should not be a Thing afterwards.

En til þess að þeir væru vel sáttir og vinir þaðan af þá gerði hann það að Þorgrímur Kjallaksson skyldi halda uppi hofinu að helmingi og hafa hálfan hoftoll og svo þingmenn að helmingi, veita og Þorsteini til allra mála þaðan af og styrkja hann til hveriga helgi sem hann vill á leggja þingið þar sem næst verði sett.
And to that that they would be well reconciled and friends from there then he did that, that Thorgrimr Kjallakson should keep up the temples by half and have the part of the temple-tax and so the people at the assembly by half, and grants to Thorstein to all cases afterwards and assist him to nowhere holiness as he wants to appoint the thing as next would take place (?). (Z. helmingr - at helmingi, by half)

Hér með gifti Þórður gellir Þorgrími Kjallakssyni Þórhildi frændkonu sína, dóttur Þorkels meinakurs, nábúa síns.
Herewith Thordr "Yeller" should marry Thorgrim Kjallakson's woman relative Thorhilda, a daughter of Thorkel Meinakur, his neighbor.

Var hann af því kallaður Þorgrímur goði.
For that he was called chieftan Thorgrimr.

Þeir færðu þá þingið inn í nesið þar sem nú er.
They then brought the assembly in to the ness where it now is.

Og þá er Þórður gellir skipaði fjórðungaþing lét hann þar vera fjórðungsþing Vestfirðinga.
And when Thordr "Yeller" drew up the fourth part of the Thing, he had that be there the fourth part of the West-firth.

Skyldu menn þangað til sækja um alla Vestfjörðu.
People should visit to there all around West-firth.

Þar sér enn dómhring þann er menn voru dæmdir í til blóts.
There is seen still the judgment-ring which people were judged in for sacrifice (?).

Í þeim hring stendur Þórs steinn er þeir menn voru brotnir um er til blóta voru hafðir og sér enn blóðslitinn á steininum.
In that ring Thor's stone is situated which they, people, were broken (??) concerning which to worship had had and is seen still the color of blood on the stone.

Var á því þingi hinn mesti helgistaður en eigi var mönnum þar bannað að ganga örna sinna.
There was at that Thing the most holy place and people were not prohibited there from "doing their business".

11. kafli

Þorsteinn þorskabítur gerðist hinn mesti rausnarmaður.
Thorstein Cod-biter became the most magnificent man.

Hann hafði með sér jafnan sex tigu frelsingja.
He always had with him 60 freedmen.

Hann var mikill aðdráttamaður og var jafnan í fiskiróðrum.
He was a great good-housekeeper and was always engaged in rowing out for fish.

Hann lét fyrst reisa bæinn að Helgafelli og færði þangað bú sitt og var þar hinn mesti hofstaður í það mund.
He first had the farm raised at Helga-fell and moved his family there and there was the most sanctuary at that time. (Z. mund - (í) þat m., at (by, about) that time)

Hann lét og bæ gera þar í nesinu, nær því sem þingið hafði verið.
He also had a farm built there in the ness, near the place where the Assembly had been. (Z. nær 1 - n. því sem, near the place where)

Þann bæ lét hann og mjög vanda og gaf hann síðan Þorsteini surt, frænda sínum.
That farm he caused also to very much to have elaborate work done, and he then gave (it) to Thorstein "the sour," his relative.

Bjó hann þar síðan og varð hinn mesti spekingur að viti.
He resided there after that and he became the greatest sage known.

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