From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 12449
Date: 2012-08-06
> Þórólfur Mostrarskegg andaðist á Hofsstöðum.Þórólf Mostrarskegg died at Hofsstaðir.
> Throlofr Mostrarskegg died at Hoffsstad.
> Thorolf Greatbeard died in Temple Steads.
> Þá tók Þorsteinn þorskabítur föðurleifð sína.Then Þorstein þorskabítr took his patrimony.
> Then Thorsteinn "codfish-bites" took his patrimony.
> Then Thorstein cod-biter assumed his patrimony.
> Hann gekk að eiga Þóru, dóttur Ólafs feilans, systurHe married Þóra, daughter of Óláf feilan, sister of Þórð
> Þórðar gellis er þá bjó í Hvammi.
> He married Thoru, a daughter of Olaf feilans ("the
> timid"?), sister of Thord gellis ("yeller"?), who lived in
> Hvammi. (Z. ganga 2 - g. at eiga konu, to marry a woman)
> He agreed to marry Thora, daughter of Olaf the timid,
> sister of Thord hollerer who then lived at Hvamm.
> Þórólfur var heygður í Haugsnesi út frá Hofsstöðum.Þórólf was buried in a how at Haugsness out from Hofsstaðir.
> Thorolf was buried in Haugsness out beyond Hofsstad.
> Thorolf was buried in a how at Haug’s Ness out from Temple
> Steads.
> Í þenna tíma var svo mikill ofsi Kjalleklinga að þeirAt that time [the] arrogance of [the] Kjalleklings was so
> þóttust fyrir öðrum mönnum þar í sveit.
> I this time Kjalleklings' overbearing was so great that
> they thought themselves before other men in the region.
> At that time, (there) was so much arrogance (on the part)
> of the Kjalleklingers that they thought themselves above
> other people there in (the) district.
> Voru þeir og svo margir ættmenn Bjarnar að engiThey were also so many kinsmen of Björn that no (other) body
> frændbálkur var þá jafnmikill í Breiðafirði.
> They were also so many kinsmen of Brjarn that no body of
> kinsmen was then equally great in Breidafirth.
> There were also many kinsmen of Bjorn’s that no body of
> kinsmen was then so great in Wide Firth.
> Þá bjó Barna-Kjallakur, frændi þeirra, á MeðalfellsströndBarna-Kjallak, their kinsman, lived then at
> þar sem nú heitir á Kjallaksstöðum.
> At that time Barna-Kjallkur, their kinsman, lived in
> Medalfellstrand, there which now is called Kjallaksstad.
> Children Kjallak, their kinsman, lived then at Middle
> Mountain Strand there where now is called at Kjallak’s
> Steads.
> Hann átti marga sonu og vel mennta.He had many sons, and well-bred/educated/accomplished.
> He had many sons, also (who were) well accomplished.
> He had many sons and (they were) well grown into men.
> Þeir veittu allir frændum sínum fyrir sunnan fjörðinn áThey all stood by their kinsmen south of the fjord at þings
> þingum og mannfundum.
> They assisted all their relatives in the south of the
> fiord at the Thing and meetings.
> They all gave their kin (support) south of the fjord at
> Things and meetings.
> Það var eitt vor á Þórsnessþingi að þeir mágar, ÞorgrímurIt was one spring at the Þórsness þing that the
> Kjallaksson og Ásgeir á Eyri, gerðu orð á að þeir mundu
> eigi leggja drag undir ofmetnað Þórsnesinga og það að þeir
> mundu ganga þar örna sinna sem annars staðar á mannfundum
> á grasi þótt þeir væru svo stolts að þeir gerðu lönd sín
> helgari en aðrar jarðir í Breiðafirði.
> It was one spring at (the) Thorness Thing that they, (the)
> in-laws, Thorgimr Kjallaksson and Asgeir in Eyri, sent
> word that they would not encourage the Thorsnessings'
> spirit and that, that they would go to ease themselves
> there as other places at meetings on (the) grass although
> they would be so proud that they prepared land themselves
> more sacred than (any) other ground in Breidafirth. (Z.
> drag 1 - leggja d. undir ofmetnað e-s, to encourage one's
> spirit) (Z. erendi 3 - ganga erenda (eyrna, ørna) sinna,
> to go to ease oneself)
> It was one spring at Thor’s Ness Thing, that those
> in-laws, Thorgrim Kjallak’s son and Asgeir of Eyr, gave
> word that they would not encourage pride (and) arrogance)
> of the Thor’s Ness folks and that they would do their
> business as at other places at meetings, on grass although
> they were so proud that they kept their land more hallowed
> than other yards in Wide Firth.
> Lýstu þeir þá yfir því að þeir mundu eigi troða skó til aðThen they made it known that they would not wear out shoes
> ganga þar í útsker til álfreka.
> They then made known that they would not wear out shoes to
> go there to the distant skerry to relieve themselves. (Z.
> lýsa 4 - l. yfir e-u, to make known) (Z. troða 1 - t. skó,
> to wear out shoes) (Z. álfrek - ganga at álfreka = ganga
> ørna sinna = to go to ease oneself)
> They announced it then because they would not wear out
> shoes to go there to distant skerries to use as a privy.
> En er Þorsteinn þorskabítur varð þessa var vildi hann eigiBut when Þorstein þorskabítr learned of this, he would not
> þola að þeir saurguðu þann völl er Þórólfur faðir hans
> hafði tignað umfram aðra staði í sinni landeign.
> When this happened, Thorstein Thorskabitr, he had not
> wanted (to) bear that they defiled that field which his
> father Thorolfr had honored above other places in his
> estate.
> But when Thorstein cod-biter became aware of this he did
> not want to dare that they befoul (the) field which
> Thorolf, his father, had held holy above other places on
> his estate.
> Heimti hann þá að sér vini sína og ætlaði að verja þeimHe then called to him his friends and intended to defend the
> vígi völlinn ef þeir hygðust að saurga hann.
> He made his way to see his friends and intended to defend
> the field by fighting if they thought to defile it. (?
> similar to CV heimta 1 - metaph., heimti hann sik fram með
> fégjöfum við konunginn, he made his way with the king by
> money) (Z. víg 1 - verja e-t vígi, to defend by fighting)
> He then drew to himself his friends and intended to defend
> that field in battle if they thought to pollute it.
> Að þessu ráði hurfu með honum Þorgeir kengur, sonurFollowing him in this plan were Þorgeir kengr [‘bend,
> Geirröðar á Eyri, og Álftfirðingar, Þorfinnur og
> Þorbrandur sonur hans, Þórólfur bægifótur og margir aðrir
> þingmenn Þorsteins og vinir.
> At this plan, Thorgeir "the hook," son of Geirrodar in
> Eyri, turned with him, and the Alftfirthings, Thorfinnr
> and his son Thorbranr, Thorolfr "lame-foot" and many other
> of Thorstein's people present at the assembly and friends.
> Towards this plan turned with him Thorgeir crook, son of
> Geirrod of Eyr, and the Swan Firthers, Thorfinn and
> Thorbrand his sons, Thorolf lame foot and many other
> Thingmen and friends of Thorsteins.
> En um kveldið er Kjalleklingar voru mettir tóku þeir vopnAnd in the evening, when the Kjalleklings had eaten their
> sín og gengu út í nesið.
> And during the evening when the Kjalleklings were full,
> they took their weapons and went out on the cape.
> And during the evening when the Kjalleklingers had eaten
> their fill, they took their weapons and went out to the
> Ness.
> En er þeir Þorsteinn sáu að þeir sneru af þeim veg er tilAnd when Þorstein and his companions saw that they turned
> skersins lá þá hljópu þeir til vopna og runnu eftir þeim
> með ópi og eggjan.
> When they, Thorstein (et al), saw that they turned from
> their way which lay to the skerry, then they sprang to
> (their) weapons and ran after them with shouting and
> goading.
> And when they Thorstein ( and company) saw that they
> turned from that way which went to the skerry, then they
> ran to weapons and ran after them with shouts and goading.
> Og er Kjalleklingar sáu það hljópu þeir saman og vörðuAnd when the Kjalleklings saw that, they ran together and
> sig.
> And when the Kjallekings saw that they leapt together and
> defended themselves.
> And when (the) Kjallaklingers saw it, they ran together
> and defended themselves.
> En Þórsnesingar gerðu svo harða atgöngu að KjalleklingarBut the Þórsnesings made so hard an attack that the
> hrukku af vellinum og í fjöruna.
> And the Thornessings made so hard an attack that the
> Kjalleklings fell back from the field and to the beach.
> But (the) Thor’s Ness folk made such a fierce attack that
> the Kjallekliners were repelled from the field and to the
> beach.
> Snerust þeir þá við og varð þar hinn harðasti bardagi meðThen they turned (to meet the attack), and there was there
> þeim.
> Then they turned back and defended (themselves) there the
> hardest fight with them.
> They turned then at that and there happened the fiercest
> fighting with them.
> Kjalleklingar voru færri og höfðu einvalalið.<Færri> could be either 'fewer' or 'more competent, more
> The Kjallkings were fewer and had an elite group.
> (The) Kjallaklingers were fewer and had picked troops.