From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 12445
Date: 2012-08-04
> "Mál er komit at ferðast," segir Gnípa.'[The] time has come to travel,' says Gnípa.
> "The time has come to travel," says Gnipa.
> “Time has come to travel,” says Gnipa.
> "Ekki dvelr mik," segir Jökull.'Nothing's keeping me [from going],' says Jökul.
> "I do not delay," says Jokull.
> “Nothing’s keeping me,” says Jokull.
> Fara þau leið sína.They go their way.
> They go on their way.
> They go on their way.
> Gengr Gnípa fyrir, en Jökull eftir.Gnípa goes in front and Jökul behind.
> Gnipa goes in front, and Jokull behind.
> Gnipa goes ahead and Jokull after.
> Verðr hon heldr greiðfara.She walks rather quickly.
> It happens she walks rather quickly.
> She is walking with great speed.
> Þau ganga inn með firðinum, þar til er hann þrýtr.They go in along the fjord until it comes to an end.
> The go in along the firth, until he comes to an end.
> They walk in along the firth, until it ends.
> Er þá langt af nóttu.[It] is then well into night.
> It's then long into the night.
> It is then well into night.
> Þá koma þau at hömrum stórum ok bröttum björgum.Then they come to great crags and steep cliffs.
> Then they came to a large precipices and steep cliffs.
> Then they come to a great crag and broken rocks.
> Hon víkr þar upp at, sem einstigit er, ok koma þau þá atShe goes up to where the narrow path is, and they come then
> helli stórum.
> She goes up there to where the narrow path is, and they
> then come to a large cave.
> She turns up there where (there) is a narrow path, and
> they come then to a great cave.
> Gnípa mælti: "Hér er hellirinn Skráms konungs.Gnípa said: 'Here is the cave of king Skrám.
> Gnipa said: "Here is the cave of King Skram.
> Gnipa spoke, “Here is the cave of King Skram.
> Hefir hann boðit hingat öllum jötnum ok flagðkonum, er íHe has invited hither all giants and ogresses who live in
> óbyggðum búa, ok munu þeir færa þik til heljar, er þeir
> sjá þik, hverju ek vilda ekki valdit hafa.
> He has invited here all the giants and ogresses, who live
> in the wilderness, and they will send you to the afterlife
> (more literally, send you to death), if they see you,
> which I would not want to have caused.
> He has invited all giants and ogresses hither who live in
> the unsettled area and they will bring you to (your) doom
> when they see you, which I do not want to be the cause of?
> Hér er gull eitt, er ek vil gefa þér.Here is a gold ring that I want to give you.
> Here is a gold ring, which I will give you.
> Here is a gold ring which I want to give you.
> Þar er í sá náttúrusteinn, ef þú dregr gullit upp á fingrTherein is the stone with this power: if you draw the ring
> þér, þá sér þik engi framar en þú vilt."
> There is in that a stone possessing special virtues: if
> you put the ring on your finger (literally "draw the ring
> up on your finger"), then no one sees you (any) more than
> you wanted."
> There is in (it) that stone with magic power, if you draw
> the ring up on your finger, then no one sees you more than
> you wish.”
> Jökull þakkar henni gjöfina, ok ganga þau síðan í hellinn.Jökul thanks her for the gift, and then they go into the
> Jokull thanks her for the gift, and they then go in the
> cave.
> Jokull thanks her for the gift and they go then into the
> cave.
> Jökull sá, at þar var tröllum skipat á báða bekki, okJökul saw that there were trolls arranged on both benches,
> heilsuðu allir Gnípu.
> Jokull saw, that there trolls were divided in both
> benches, and all greeted Gnipa.
> Jokull saw that there trolls were arranged on both benches
> and all greeted Gnipa.
> Skrámr bað hana ganga um beina þeira.Skrám asked her to wait upon them.
> Skramr asked her to wait upon the guests. (Z. beini -
> ganga um beina, to wait upon the guests)
> Skram bade her go about their accomodations
> Hon kvað svá vera skyldu.She said it would be so.
> She said she it would be so.
> She said so (it) would be.
> Lét hon þá bera inn öl þat, sem áfengast var, en þeirYes, <áfengast> is the superlative of <áfengr>.
> slokuðu stórum, ok var drykkjan óstjórnlig, svá þeir urðu
> allskjótt drukknir.
> She had brought in the beer, as was intoxicating (from
> "áfengr"?), and they greatly quenched (their thirst), and
> the drinking was disorderly, so they very soon became
> drunk.
> She had all that carried indoors which was mostThen she had all that ale brought in that was most
> intoxicating, and they slopped (it up) greatly, and
> drinking was ?? so that they became drunk very quickly.
> Þá mátti heyra illyrði nóg ok árásir, einnig sjá marganThen abundant abusive language and assaults could be heard,
> hnefapústr ok hárrykkjur.
> Then some abusive language and assaults could be heard,
> likewise fists-boxing-ears and (hárrykkjur?) seen.
> Then (one) could hear enough abusive language and
> assaults, (and) likewise see many boxes on the ears with
> closed fists and hair pulling.
> Þetta þolir Jökull ekki, ok hleypr inn í þvöguna ok dreprJökul does not suffer this and leaps into the disorderly
> hvern af öðrum ok hvern um þveran annan, ok er nú eigi
> traust um, at hverr kenndi öðrum þessi fádæmi ok undr, en
> engi sér Jökul.
> Jokull doesn't bear this, and jumps in to the crowd and
> slays one after another and each against each other, and
> (there) is now no help concerning, that each attributed to
> another these remarkable things, but no one sees Jokull.
> (Z. af 1 - one after another, in succession)
> Jokull did not bear this and leaps into ?? and slays every
> other one? and each across from the other and now is no
> trust about, that each recognized the other ? this
> exceptional thing and wonder, but no one sees Jokull.
> Er nú næsta gangmikit í hellinum.[It] is now very tumultuous in the cave.
> (There) is now the next much going (?) in the cave.
> Now (there) is a very great tumult in the cave.
> Rotslær hverr annan ok drepr um síðir, þar til allir váruThey knock out and at last kill one another until all had
> fallnir, konur ok karlar, útan Skrámr ok sonr hans.
> Each hits the other into senselessness and at last kills
> (the person, until all had fallen, women and guys, except
> for Skramr and his son. (similar to Z. rot - slá e-n í
> rot, to stun, render senseless by a blow)
> Each knocks the other unconscious and slays for a time,
> until all had fallen, men and women, except Skram and his
> son.
> Jökull gekk innar at Skrámi ok leggr sverðinu í gegnumJökul attacked Skrám further in and thrusts through him with
> hann, ok dettr hann þá fram á gólfit, svá þá varð dynkr
> mikill.
> Jokull goes more in towards Skram and thrusts his sword
> through him, and he drops then down to the ground, so then
> there occurred a great noise.
> Jokull goes more inside to Skram and thrusts him through
> with the sword and then he thumps then forward to the
> floor, so then a great din happened.